Author: Radhika Sharma | HRKatha

There is a growing trend towards transactional employee loyalty in many workplaces. Instead of traditional notions of loyalty, based on long-term relationships and a sense of commitment to a company, employees are increasingly regarding loyalty as a two-way exchange of value. In other words, they want their loyalty to be rewarded with concrete benefits — competitive pay, opportunities for career growth, and a positive work environment. However, this may be seen as a further indication that while loyalty is becoming less important in modern workplaces, it is not extinct. Rather, it is evolving. The pandemic has caused significant disruptions across multiple industries,…

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Layoffs have been hogging headlines since the beginning of 2023. Many big companies, including Google, Meta and Amazon and now Accenture, have laid off thousands of employees in a go. How do companies pick the people who are to be let go? After all, taking a call after assessing each individual would be a cumbersome and time-consuming process. So what are the processes or algorithms used to identify employees who need to go during mass layoffs? “Companies do use certain criteria to identify people to be laid off,” admits Ramesh Shankar S, chief joy officer, He goes on to…

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Posting ghost jobs is a controversial practice in the recruitment industry. It refers to the posting of fake job openings by a company to gauge the availability of talent in the job market. The company has no intention of filling the position, but is only seeking to understand the talent landscape in the industry. While some organisations believe this is a useful method to understand the talent market, others argue that it is unethical and can harm the company’s reputation. Why are ghost jobs posted? To understand the talent market: One of the main arguments in favour of posting ghost…

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In the fast-growing education technology industry, some companies have worked up a reputation for their toxic work culture, mass layoffs and often brutal firing practices. For job seekers who have previously worked for such companies, this can be a blot on their resumes, hindering their search for new opportunities. When potential employers see these company names on a resume, they may be hesitant to hire the applicant, fearing that they may bring negative baggage or may not have the skills to thrive in a new environment. Job-seekers can feel stuck and frustrated, not knowing how to move past this stigma…

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Diversity across all levels has become a priority in the corporate world. In fact, it has come to be the most important aspect today. However, its ratio differs from one level to the other in a company. At what level is it easier for companies to achieve diversity and where is it a challenge? “Achieving gender diversity at the entry level is simpler than at senior levels,” points out Shailesh Singh, CHRO, Max Life Insurance. Firstly, colleges and campuses tend to have a more diverse representation than organisations. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number…

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Everyone works at their own pace. After all, not everyone can do the same tasks at the same pace. Even the learning pace differs from individual to individual. However, when an important task is assigned to a team, and the primary focus is timely delivery, individuals working at a slow pace can actually hinder goal accomplishment. How can one deal with the slow movers in a project chain? Considering that these slow movers impact the productivity, output and deliverables of the entire team, managers have to come up with ways to deal with such team members. Here are some suggestions: Communicate…

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The younger generation, including Millennials and Gen Z, are rapidly becoming the largest demographic in the workforce and job market. Therefore, companies need to adapt their strategies to cater to this cohort’s preferences and values. These youngsters do not believe in long-term rewards and are unwilling to make short-term sacrifices for the long-term rewards. Therefore, companies should consider setting short-term goals that align with the needs and aspirations of the younger generation. How can companies benefit from short-term goals? Focusing on the long-term goals alone, will not help manage the changing needs of businesses. Short-term goals can benefit companies in…

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AI-based machines or chatbots used in HR are often blamed to be inconsiderate, insensitive and unempathetic. However, it’s important to note that even human HR can occasionally be discourteous and unresponsive to employee concerns. What if we could programme AI chatbots and machines used in HR to make them more empathetic, sensitive, and considerate? Would this be an effective solution, leading to increased use of AI-based chatbots in the system? “Humans can be biased and inconsiderate in certain situations. If machines can be programmed to be unbiased in these situations, it could be advantageous,” agrees Rishav Dev, CHRO, Noveltech Feeds.…

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Most of us have dealt with Monday morning blues at some point. As students we’ve felt tired and lazy after a fun weekend and made excuses to stay away from school or college. As adult professionals, especially when unhappy at work, we’ve often felt depressed and lethargic at the thought of going to work on a Monday. Then emerged a trend, which was something close to a solution to these blues. Called ‘Bare Minimum Monday’, the phrase was coined by Marisa Jo, a TikTok content creator. Not surprisingly, she came up with it while struggling with the ‘Sunday scaries’ —…

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Leaders are expected to be unflappable figures, fearless and always in control. They are seen as heroes, possessing exceptional intelligence and brains erupting with brilliant ideas. From their position of superiority, they issue instructions, which their subordinates are expected to carry out. However, ever since the business world changed, after surviving the pandemic, people have realised that they do not need heroes but ‘human leaders’ or ‘people’s leaders’. Servant leadership Leaders are support systems. They are there to build the required capacity in their teams and achieve their objectives while working together to accomplish organisational goals. “The concept of servant…

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Banking has always been considered a more male-dominated area, as it has more processes and systems that make it appear as a technological business. However, Mashreq Bank is one company that believes that even the women in the Bank’s workforce possess enough technical knowledge to handle these roles better. Mashreq Bank’s subsidiary, Mashreq Global Network Bangalore, is a crucial player in the company’s digital strategy and has taken on the responsibility of enabling remote work. Mashreq Bank is a prominent financial institution with a global presence in Europe, Asia, Africa and the US. It has been one of the UAE’s…

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People stepping into the work culture for the first time are like artists starting to paint on a blank canvas. Therefore, the first job is crucial in determining one’s future career path. For those entering a professional or corporate environment, their experiences shape their vision for the future. This is where they get to actually apply their skills for the first time and learn how to do so effectively. As Ravi Kumar, CPO, Page Industries, rightly puts it, “It’s an adventure, because after graduating from college or school, one jumps into an unknown environment. It’s like being in a jungle.…

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Organisations today want to embrace people centricity. They wish to bring in people who will focus on the human capital and help build human assets of the company. However, in reality, very few companies truly embody this principle and follow through with their words. This is where leadership plays a significant role, in fostering such a culture. And this is what was discussed at The Great HR Debate, Session- 5, on 17 February, 2023. In a special address at The Lalit Ashok, Bengaluru, respected industry veteran, S ‘Venky’ Venkatesh, president-group HR, RPG Group, explained how it’s important for organisations to…

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While talent and people are undoubtedly crucial to business success, HR plays a vital supporting role in ensuring that the company has the right talent and organisational structure in place to achieve its goals. We generally see CEOs or other senior executives from the top ranks shouldering the responsibility of setting the strategic direction of the company and ensuring its success, while the HR may play a critical role in supporting these efforts. That being said, the role of HR has evolved over the years to become more strategic and focused on talent management and organisational effectiveness. Therefore, to understand…

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Bob Iger, CEO, Disney, has mandated that employees return to the office for at least four days a week starting March 2023. Iger’s reasoning mirrors that of Tim Cook, CEO, Apple, who defended the tech giant’s in-person work policy as essential to fostering innovation and collaboration, despite sparking a petition from workers. More recently, employees of Amazon have submitted a petition against Andy Jazzy, CEO, who expects them to return to office for at least three days a week. However, according to a survey by Future Forum, employees with flexible work models are 57 per cent more likely to admit…

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Nothing can be better for an organisation than having a team of high performers. It brings many benefits to the business including increased productivity, better performance and strategic growth in addition to an overall positive energy within the organisation. However, there’s one more great benefit of having good talent and that is to attract more good talent to the organisation. “A company that attracts top talent is often seen as a desirable place to work, and this can help attract even more high-quality employees,” says Ravi Chopra, senior HR leader & former group CHRO, Hero Motors Company. “Having a team…

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Interview paralysis is a common phenomenon experienced by many job seekers during the interview process. It is the feeling of being overwhelmed and unable to perform effectively due to anxiety and fear of judgment. This can lead to a lack of preparation, difficulty in communicating one’s skills and qualifications, and ultimately, a lower chance of landing the job.  Reasons for interview paralysis There are many factors that can make individuals anxious preventing them from focusing and performing well during the interview. Dishonesty: One primary reason for candidates suffering interview paralysis is “putting things on their CV that they’re not able…

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Bringing one’s whole self to work is one of the proven ways to feel more comfortable, confident and engaged in any given role. It simply means being authentic, honest and true to oneself at the workplace. This ultimately leads to more positivity and productivity at work. However, when new employees join a company, there’s always a mismatch somewhere. What should the employees do in such situations? Should they try to fit in, or just ignore the mismatch in culture or behavioural traits? “The employee who finds a mismatch on account of newness, should be pragmatic and mature enough to go through…

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The year 2022 saw several major companies, such as Microsoft, Tesla, Ford and Wayfair, implement mass layoffs. During these emotionally-charged times of workforce reduction, what goes on in the minds of the existing employees? What do they feel? “A sense of insecurity will always be there,” confirms Praveen Purohit, deputy CHRO, Vedanta Resources. People tend to overthink and create a fear about the uncertainty of their future in the organisation going through a mass layoff. They remain constantly insecure that they may lose their jobs as well in the future. “A sense of insecurity will always be there.People tend to overthink and create a fear about…

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Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman unveiled the budget for 2023, which is the fifth budget of the Modi government’s second term. The newly- announced budget has been welcomed as a smart resolve of the government for inclusive development of India. The major focus of budget 2023 is the heightened investment in infrastructure and upskilling facilites to the creation of more job opportunities and ultimately raises the standard of living for the citizens. Job creation: “It’s a very professionally balanced budget without giving too much focus on political agenda,” says P. Dwarakanath, former non-executive chairman, GSK. The budget has ample opportunities from the HR…

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People are raving about the AI chat bot, ChatGPT. Its interactive features and in-depth responses have taken the internet by storm. While the bot is definitely capable of helping organisations in certain ways, the HR department may stand to gain significantly by it. So, how can ChatGPT help or benefit various HR activities? “The AI bot is surely capable of managing and accomplishing the fundamentals of base HR processes,” feels Prabir Jha, founder & CEO, Prabir Jha People Advisory Provides answers: With its interactive nature, ChatGPT can give answers to the ‘What’, Why’ and ‘How’ of various HR tasks. For…

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The series of layoffs that have swept across large technology companies, such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Meta, have created an abundance of talent in the market. Talent of this level is hard to come by under normal circumstances. Therefore, it is natural for organisations to make the most of this opportunity and try to hire the laid off employees, especially the specialist talent. The first criterion for selection, however, would definitely be ‘skills match’. The most skilled and talented person who fits the role, will be preferred and shortlisted. However, in a situation, where two or more people are…

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Post Twitter’s acquisition by Elon Musk, the social-media company has been on a layoff spree. Not only did the Company fired many people from the top management, including CEO Parag Agarwal, the employee strength has been reduced from 7,500 to a mere 2,300 in the last three months. However, hopefully, the status quo will change and things will turn around in some time, allowing the Company to get into hiring mode. The big question is, ‘Who will join the Company now?’. Given the manner in which Twitter’s employee-value proposition has nose-dived, the platform will need talent super soon to manage…

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Creating HR practice groups can be an effective way to tackle specific and cross-functional HR priorities. It involves grouping employees with similar expertise and responsibilities together for a more superior approach to resolving HR challenges. These groups can help prioritise a lot of responsibilities such as talent management, employee engagement, compensation and benefits or compliance. ADVANTAGES Such special practice groups come with a lot of benefits. Collaboration & engagement: “The top-most advantage of having such groups is the cross-functionality that leads to increased collaboration in the organisation,” says Pradyumna Pandey, CHRO, Mother Dairy. Cross-functional HR practice groups can bring employees from…

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Although different terms, ‘attrition’ and ‘resignation’ are similar concepts. Both have a common outcome — loss of talent for the company. Hence, the two terms are often used interchangeably. As Ajay Tiwari, senior VP-HR, Lupin rightly puts it, the two terms are flip sides of a coin. ‘Attrition’ is a more general term that encompasses all types of employee turnover, while ‘resignation’ specifically refers to employees choosing to leave their job. “At the end of the day, whether it is ‘attrition’ or ‘resignation’, the company is losing people,” observes Manish Majumdar, head – HR, EMS, Centum Electronics. Both terms suggest…

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Employee satisfaction has always been a key indicator of a healthy and productive workplace. It was also said that employees with high satisfaction level rarely quit. However, this saying doesn’t hold true any longer. Satisfaction doesn’t guarantee long-term employee loyalty. Even satisfied employees may wish to leave for various reasons, and hence, talk of quitting despite everything appearing to be going well for them at the workplace. While the reasons why satisfied employees may choose to leave an organisation could be professional or personal, Udbhav Ganjoo, head – HR, global operations, Viatris, points out, “The age, tenure and specialty of the…

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