Author: Radhika Sharma | HRKatha

The world of work was changing at a dizzying pace. For redBus, a name synonymous with bus travel, adaptation was crucial. The traditional model of corporate training, with its static content and one-size-fits-all approach, was no longer cutting it. “We needed a way to make learning more engaging, more effective, and more accessible,” says Prabhanjan Kulkarni, VP & head-HR, redBus. The challenge was clear: how to transform the way employees learned, especially in a world increasingly dominated by remote work. “Redverse is not just a platform; it’s a mindset shift. It’s about creating an environment where learning is as natural…

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A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) can be a daunting experience, often perceived as a career death knell. However, it’s essential to shift this perspective. A PIP is not a condemnation; it’s an opportunity for growth and transformation. Simran, a high-performing marketing manager, found herself unexpectedly on a PIP. The initial shock and self-doubt were overwhelming. But instead of succumbing to despair, she chose to view this as a catalyst for change. The first step to transforming a PIP into peak performance is to embrace feedback wholeheartedly. “Imagine feedback as a map guiding you out of a maze. Actively listen to…

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In the vast expanse of India’s rural landscape, where opportunities often seem scarce, Satin Creditcare is crafting a different narrative. The Indian microfinance institution is not just providing jobs; it is building careers and empowering its young workforce. By investing heavily in young talent, Satin Creditcare is transforming individual lives and reshaping the face of rural India. At the heart of Satin Creditcare’s strategy is a commitment to youth empowerment. Recognising the potential of young minds, the company offers a platform for growth and contribution. By recruiting fresh graduates and even those with limited formal education as loan officers or…

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In the quest for productivity, a subtle yet insidious habit often undermines our efforts: the overuse of the phrase ‘I should’. This seemingly innocuous expression carries with it a heavy burden of obligation and guilt, quietly sabotaging our efficiency and motivation. The time has come to shed this weight and embrace a more empowering mindset. The hidden trap of ‘I should’ Consider the story of Arjun, a mid-level manager at a bustling tech firm. Every morning, he starts his day with a mental checklist of things he ‘should’ do. “I should finish the project report by noon. I should check…

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The annual performance review, once the cornerstone of organisational appraisal, has devolved into a bureaucratic ritual, often dreaded by employees and managers alike. This antiquated system, with its myopic focus on past performance and propensity for subjectivity, is increasingly seen as a relic of a bygone era. As Pradyumna Pandey, head-HR, manufacturing, HeroMotoCorp, aptly observes, the traditional review often “highlights areas of deficiency rather than building on strengths.” This negative emphasis can be demotivating and counterproductive, fostering a culture of fear and avoidance rather than one of growth and innovation. Ravi Kumar, CPO, Page Industries, underscores the subjectivity inherent…

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Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s unveiling of the Budget for 2024-25 marks a bold stride towards a more equitable and inclusive labour market. The newly-announced budget has been lauded as a strategic move by the Indian government to foster inclusive development across the country. It aims to empower every individual to contribute to and benefit from the nation’s economic progress. This forward-looking ambitious vision promises significant rewards in skilling, employability, inclusivity and entrepreneurship, setting the stage for a more prosperous and inclusive future. Forward-looking perspective: Sharad Verma, CHRO, Iris Software, views the budget positively, especially for the HR and IT sectors. “The…

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The middle manager, once a cornerstone of organisational structure, is under increasing scrutiny in the age of artificial intelligence (AI). As technology advances, questions about the role and relevance of middle management have become pressing. Traditionally, middle managers acted as conduits for information, flowing from senior leadership to operational levels. However, the advent of AI and advanced data analytics is disrupting this hierarchical model. Senior leaders now have direct access to real-time data, bypassing middle managers. This shift, coupled with the ‘know-it-all’ syndrome afflicting some middle managers, has led to a reevaluation of their role. “Traditionally, information would flow from…

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The transition from individual contributor to team leader marks a perilous, yet promising, career juncture. Once solely focused on personal performance, managers now bear the burden of guiding and inspiring a team towards shared goals. This shift demands a significant recalibration of skill set and perspective. Building strong relationships is foundational. As Kamal Vatnani, VP-HR, NewVision Software, emphasises, understanding each team member’s unique strengths, weaknesses, aspirations, and interests is crucial. This knowledge empowers managers to delegate tasks strategically, provide targeted support, and foster a sense of belonging. It’s about transitioning from managing tasks to managing people. Mukul Chopra, CHRO, ConveGenius,…

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A growing undercurrent of scepticism surrounds the managerial capabilities of Gen Z. Despite their reputation for technological proficiency and innovation, this cohort, born between 1997 and 2012, is facing questions about their readiness for leadership roles. A recent Resume Builder survey underscores this sentiment, with 27 per cent of businesses believing their Gen Z managers underperform compared to more seasoned counterparts. Furthermore, 90 per cent of business leaders reported frequent complaints about Gen Z supervisors. Despite their tech-savvy and innovative nature, members of Gen Z are seen by many as struggling with the nuances of leadership that come more naturally…

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The landscape of insurance has long featured programmes aimed at empowering women. Yet, Future Generali’s ‘all-women’ approach strikes a distinct chord. Their flagship initiative, “Women in Insurance” (WiN), stands out as a multi-generational movement driven entirely by female leadership. Launched in July 2024, WIN transcends mere optics. “It’s about cultivating the next generation of women leaders,” explains Reena Tyagi, CHRO, Future Generali India Life Insurance. With 25 women currently holding leadership positions and 17 women managers, the company is actively strengthening its female leadership pipeline. The programme’s innovative edge lies in its seamless integration with digital platforms. “This is a…

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In today’s workplace, the quest for work-life balance has become a central tenet. PNB MetLife, however, is pioneering a more comprehensive approach: work-life integration. This strategy prioritises flexible work arrangements, allowing employees to seamlessly weave together professional and personal commitments. The results, as evidenced by PNB MetLife’s success, are a demonstrably happier, healthier, and ultimately, more productive workforce. Shishir Agarwal, the company’s CHRO, reflects on the company’s forward-thinking approach. “Even before my arrival six years ago,” he notes, “the seeds of a flexible work environment were being sown.” These early efforts blossomed into a core value, and the COVID-19 pandemic…

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For decades, the concept of work-life balance has dominated professional discourse. The ideal? A rigid separation between work hours and personal life, typically achieved through an eight-hour workday followed by a complete shift towards family and leisure. This approach aimed to prevent burnout and maintain well-being. However, the pervasiveness of technology has blurred the lines between work and personal spheres, rendering the concept of strict work-life balance increasingly impractical. Enter work-life integration, a philosophy that acknowledges the interconnectedness of professional and personal lives, and the need for flexibility in managing them. Shifting gears: From balance to integration ‘Work-life balance’ implies…

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In the realm of recruitment, memorable encounters often serve as valuable repositories of wisdom. While navigating a sea of resumes, selecting the ‘right’ candidate can be daunting, especially when faced with an abundance of seemingly qualified individuals. Amidst these challenges, certain candidates leave a lasting impression, shaping a recruiter’s approach for years to come. Trusting intuition: A cautionary tale Adil Malia, CEO, The Firm, emphasises the importance of gut instinct. During his tenure at Coca-Cola, a hiring decision underscored this principle. A seemingly ideal candidate, with a structured background and strong cultural fit, emerged as the frontrunner. Despite his apparent…

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In the ever-churning world of finance, staying ahead of the curve isn’t just a suggestion, it’s a matter of survival. UTI Asset Management Company (UTI AMC) understood this truth all too well. Succession planning, often viewed as a bureaucratic afterthought, became the cornerstone of their ambitious strategy. This wasn’t about patching holes; it was about cultivating a leadership pipeline that could not only weather the storms of today but also seize the opportunities of tomorrow. A year ago, a quiet revolution began within the walls of UTI AMC. The traditional, one-size-fits-all approach to leadership development was swept aside, replaced by…

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Imagine a team of geniuses around a conference table. Ideas crackle in the air, fuelled by diverse perspectives and a thirst for innovation. This isn’t a scene from a sci-fi movie; it’s the reality for companies that prioritise ‘smart talent’. These aren’t just people with fancy degrees; they’re critical thinkers, problem-solvers, and masters of their craft. The old saying “hire people smarter than you” isn’t just a motivational poster anymore; it’s a strategic necessity. Today’s business world demands excellence, and that starts with building a high-performing team. Smart leaders understand that surrounding themselves with talented individuals who surpass them in…

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On the surface, a productive office hums with activity, a well-oiled machine churning out results. Yet, beneath this veneer, a more concerning reality may simmer. Employees harbour grievances, feeling undervalued and unheard. Management, in a posture akin to the proverbial ostrich, buries its head in the sand, hoping these issues will disappear. This approach, however, is a recipe for organisational decline. Sunil Ranjhan, a senior HR advisor at LG Electronics, cautions: “Reasonable employees typically overlook minor inconveniences. When they choose to voice a complaint, it signifies a significant issue in their eyes.” Ignoring these concerns can trigger a domino effect.…

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Greece’s recent legislation allowing some industries to adopt a six-day workweek has sparked a global conversation about workweek structures. The move, designed to boost economic growth, offers employees in 24/7 operations the option to extend their hours from 40 to 48 per week with a 40 per cent overtime bonus. While this targets continuous operations and rotating shifts, it doesn’t alter the standard five-day workweek for most Greeks. The aim is two-fold: to tackle undeclared work and ensure fair compensation for extra hours. However, Greece isn’t alone in embracing a six-day workweek. Countries such as South Korea (though reforms are…

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Self-limiting beliefs, often deeply ingrained, act as invisible shackles, hindering individuals from achieving their full potential. These beliefs can stem from early experiences and societal conditioning. A lack of early love and esteem can sow the seeds of inadequacy. Societal pressures to conform and compete exacerbate these feelings. Constant comparisons to peers, expectations to excel in specific areas, and narrow beauty standards all contribute to self-doubt and insecurity. Authority figures, such as parents, teachers, and managers, can also play a significant role. Consistent negativity from these sources can lead individuals to internalise a belief in their own limitations. A child…

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Effective teamwork hinges on clear communication, and a critical component of that is self-advocacy – the ability for team members to express their goals and limitations. Consider the scenario of Srinivas, a junior engineer at a green technology company. Torn between the company’s sustainability messaging and its reliance on non-renewable energy, Srinivas initially hesitated to voice his concerns. However, by mustering the courage to advocate for himself and present a data-driven proposal for renewable energy solutions, he not only bolstered his reputation but also set his company on a more sustainable path. This example underscores the transformative power of self-advocacy…

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Kavya, a data scientist with a coveted skillset in AI ethics, was drowning in a sea of rejection emails. Her stellar resume and proven track record seemed to vanish into a black hole. Then, she discovered reverse recruiting. Intrigued, Kavya targeted specialist recruiters known for success in her niche. She connected with Sumeet, a lead consultant renowned for placing AI ethics talent. Kavya’s expertise and vision impressed him, and he agreed to represent her. Sumeet’s network unlocked a treasure trove of hidden opportunities at companies actively seeking Kavya’s specific skillset. Unlike the one-size-fits-all applications of traditional methods, Kavya could now…

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The world of recruitment is undergoing a seismic shift. Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are no longer merely digital filing cabinets; they’re being infused with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), transforming the way companies’ source and hire talent. While traditional ATS focused on basic organisation and tracking, their AI-powered counterparts offer a suite of advanced features, including enhanced candidate matching, predictive analytics, and data-driven decision-making. This evolution is not just a trend; it’s a necessity in today’s competitive talent landscape. “One of the most significant advantages of AI-powered ATS is their ability to mitigate unconscious bias, a pervasive challenge…

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Imagine a world where the perfect candidate isn’t confined to the dusty confines of a resume pile. A world where companies can tap into a vast talent pool, cherry-picking the precise skills needed for any project, big or small. This is the future of work, and the key lies in a revolutionary concept: talent access. Gone are the days of rigid hiring practices. Today’s business landscape demands agility, and companies are ditching the one-size-fits-all approach in favour of a more strategic mindset. This ‘talent access’ philosophy prioritises flexibility, inclusivity, and efficiency, allowing companies to adapt and thrive in a whirlwind…

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In today’s frenetic work environment, a peculiar phenomenon has emerged: the celebration of ‘performative busyness’. Employees wear their overflowing schedules and late nights as badges of honour, a public display of their indispensability. But beneath this facade lies a hidden productivity killer, one that erodes morale and undermines genuine accomplishment. The ripple effect of busy-acting Ravi Kumar, CPO, Page Industries, highlights a critical consequence of performative busyness: its detrimental impact on teamwork and actual output. “Collaboration is essential in today’s workplace,” he observes. “When someone engages in performative busyness, it affects everyone else.” This behaviour creates a ripple effect, with…

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Many view managerial feedback as the cornerstone of professional growth. However, an over-reliance on external validation can be limiting. This article explores strategies for success, even when managerial feedback is scarce Conventional wisdom dictates that feedback is the cornerstone of professional growth.  ‘Feedback is a gift’, the adage goes, a vital tool for gauging progress and charting a course correction. Yet, the reality for many can be far less rosy. Managers, often overburdened, may leave their employees adrift in a sea of uncertainty, bereft of meaningful feedback. But what if the well of managerial critique runs dry? Fear not, for the resourceful…

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Muthoot Finance, one of the leading gold loan non-banking financial company (NBFC), was facing a hidden foe – a revolving door of new recruits who wouldn’t stay. With a staggering 90 per cent of new hires leaving within a year, the company needed a hero. Enter NAPS, the National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme, a knight in shining armour forged by the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). For the uninitiated, NAPS, a flagship initiative of the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), provides a framework for on-the-job training and skill development for fresh graduates. Sanoj Ramakrishnan, head-HR at Muthoot Finance, saw NAPS as…

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In the bustling virtual realm of (a part of REA India, which also owns, location dissolves. Ideas flow freely, unconstrained by physical walls, and collaboration transcends geographical boundaries. This dynamic approach to work reflects a company at the forefront of the evolving work landscape, one that prioritises flexibility, productivity, and, most importantly, equal opportunity for all its employees.’s hybrid work policy, born from the crucible of the pandemic, thrives on constant evolution. Recognising the diverse needs of its workforce, the company implemented a tailored system, categorising roles as fully remote, hybrid, or office-based. Call centre operations, for…

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