Author: Radhika Sharma | HRKatha

The interview, a nerve-wracking gauntlet for job seekers at any career stage, demands preparation. While core principles such as professionalism remain constant, the ideal approach shifts dramatically between an entry-level hopeful and a seasoned executive. Mastering these strategic nuances can be the difference between landing a dream job and getting lost in the applicant pool. Freshmen on the field: Strategies for entry-level candidates For fresh graduates, the interview is often their professional baptism by fire. The focus isn’t on a laundry list of accomplishments, but on raw potential and cultural fit. Recruiters assess adaptability and enthusiasm, explains Kamlesh Dangi, Group…

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In today’s competitive landscape, identifying and nurturing top talent is crucial for any organisation’s success. Sterlite Technologies (STL) understood this and embarked on a quest to unlock employee potential in innovative ways. Their answer? A programme unlike any other – ACT Up. Imagine a world where career progression isn’t a rigid climb up a ladder, but a dynamic launchpad. This is the core philosophy behind ACT Up, a programme designed to fast-track promising junior and mid-level employees. “We break the mould,” says Anjali Byce, STL’s G-CHRO. “ACT Up recognises potential and propels deserving individuals into A-level positions, creating a ‘new…

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Global Innovations Inc., a renowned technology company (fictitious), was known for its rigorous performance-driven culture. However, a recent situation threw its performance appraisal and promotion system into turmoil. Every year, Global Innovations Inc. used to conduct a comprehensive performance review to determine promotions. It was a transparent process and a point-based system. Only employees who scored above a certain threshold were eligible for promotions. The candidates Two employees, X and Y, emerged as strong contenders for promotion. Candidate X was a highly productive software engineer, who consistently delivered projects ahead of schedule and with fewer errors. He was known to…

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In the high-stakes world of hospitality, where a single interaction can make or break a guest’s experience, Deltin, a gaming and hospitality brand, which operates Casinos and hotels, and is part of Delta Corp, knew they couldn’t afford to stand still. The industry was changing, and their employees needed to evolve with it. But how do you identify the skills your workforce needs and then equip them to excel? Enter Deltin’s ingenious solution: a dynamic competency framework. It all began with a quest for knowledge. Deltin didn’t operate in an echo chamber. They went straight to the source – their…

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Lost at sea, with no map or compass to guide them, many employees drift aimlessly through their careers. But at IndiaFirst Life, a unique programme called ‘Career Kundali’ is tossing them a lifeline. Inspired by the ancient practice of astrological charts, Career Kundali creates a personalised roadmap for each employee, guiding them towards their professional goals. The brainchild of Sunder Natarajan, the company’s CHRO, Career Kundali began with a spark of curiosity. “As a customer, I was fascinated by this idea,” he admits, “so I decided to be the guinea pig!” His pioneering spirit led to the creation of a…

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Whether an employee-engagement framework should be rational or emotional is a topic of significant debate in contemporary workplaces. Some argue that a rational approach, focused on logical reasoning and objective measures, is essential for effective management and productivity. On the other hand, proponents of the emotional approach emphasise the importance of creating a positive and meaningful work environment, where employees feel a deep sense of connection and fulfilment. By considering the merits of each approach and exploring their potential integration, organisations can cultivate a workforce that is not only productive and efficient, but also satisfied and engaged. Ravi Kumar, CPO,…

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In the realm of corporate training, a revolution is brewing. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all programmes that deliver generic knowledge with limited impact. Today, companies are embracing precision development – a targeted approach that resembles a skilled surgeon wielding a scalpel rather than a blunt sledgehammer. Imagine a doctor treating every patient with the same medication, regardless of their ailment. The consequences could be disastrous. Similarly, broad-brush training programmes often fail to address the specific skill gaps that hinder employee performance. Precision development rectifies this by meticulously matching employees with subject-matter experts for targeted training. This personalised strategy ensures…

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The smartphone’s constant ping ushers in a new era of work culture – one where the line between office and off-duty blurs. We’ve all been there: fielding work calls at dinner or excusing ourselves from social gatherings for urgent emails. This constant connectivity takes a toll, fuelling the ‘right to disconnect’ movement gaining global traction. Countries such as Australia, France, Italy, Slovakia, Luxembourg, Portugal and the Canadian province of Ontario have legislated employee rights to switch off after hours. But is a legal ban the silver bullet? The answer, like most workplace issues, is complex. Proponents hail the right to…

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In the bustling world of corporate strategy, the synergy between mission and vision often takes centre stage. But amidst these grand pronouncements, a crucial element can sometimes be overlooked: the human resource (HR) team, the lifeblood of employee satisfaction and growth. At Kraft Heinz, the multinational food giant, they understand this truth all too well. Here, the heart of the organisation – its people – are actively listened to, fostering a thriving and innovative environment. “It’s not just about hearing what employees say,” emphasises Priyanka Sharma, head of HR, Kraft Heinz India GCC. “It’s about truly understanding and translating that…

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In the bustling realm of startups, the battle for top talent is fierce. Companies dangle flashy perks and brag about their ping pong tables, but InsuranceDekho, a young Indian insurtech company, knows there’s a secret weapon: flexibility. They believe it’s the key to unlocking not just employee satisfaction, but true innovation. Unlike some companies that blindly embraced remote work, InsuranceDekho is a master weaver. They have meticulously crafted a vibrant company culture where flexibility, inclusivity, and a customer-centric approach are intricately woven together. This tapestry is called IMPACT, a guiding principle that ensures everyone feels valued, regardless of background or…

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In the land of deadlines and to-do lists, speed is still king. People continue to wear busyness like a crown, and juggling a million tasks at once remains a celebrated skill. But a revolution is brewing, a whisper against the constant frenzy – the Slow Work movement. This new way of thinking challenges the old idea that working fast equates to working well. Slow Work isn’t about laziness, but about prioritising quality over quantity. It advocates for ditching the endless multitasking and focusing on doing less, but doing it with purpose. It means choosing the most important tasks and completing…

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As companies grapple with the aftershocks of the pandemic, many are yearning for a return to the pre-pandemic days of bustling offices and collaborative energy. Their goal: reignite teamwork, camaraderie, and ultimately, innovation. But for Ajmera Realty & Infra, a prominent Indian real estate developer, fostering a high-performing workforce goes beyond replicating the past. They’re on a mission to cultivate a culture that thrives on collaboration, empowers individuals, and fosters loyalty – even in a potentially transient remote work environment. Engagement reimagined “Engagement activities have always been a priority,” says Shweta Rathor, GM-HR, Ajmera Realty & Infra. “But post-pandemic, we’ve…

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Habits are the silent puppeteers of our lives. They streamline our routines, boost efficiency, and turn complex tasks into muscle memory. But what if these trusty companions become our jailers? Can the very routines that empower us also hold us back? The answer lies in a phenomenon we can call the ‘autopilot trap’. Imagine a talented young engineer, Maya. Maya thrives on routine. Every morning, she tackles the same problem-solving approach, excelling at efficiency. Yet, her rigid methods leave her blind to innovative solutions that might emerge from brainstorming sessions. Her comfort zone, once a haven, has become a cage,…

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In the cutthroat world of NBFCs, where attrition rates can soar past 40 per cent, Arka Fincap stands out. This mid-sized company boasts a remarkable attrition rate below 20 per cent, a testament to its unique philosophy – investing in its own people. Five years ago, Arka Fincap was a mere sapling, a subsidiary of Kirloskar Oil Engines. Today, it’s a flourishing tree with a workforce exceeding 500. But unlike its competitors who chase every shiny new talent, Arka Fincap cultivates its own. “Our employees are our brand ambassadors,” declares Rashmi Warange, Arka Fincap’s head gardener, her voice filled with…

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The news rippled through India’s academic circles like a shockwave: a staggering 38% of the graduating class from the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) – once the golden ticket to a high-paying job – remained unplaced. This wasn’t just a blip on the radar; it was a stark reminder that even the most prestigious institutions aren’t immune to the harsh realities of the job market. For decades, IITs and their counterparts, the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), were the holy grail of Indian education. Their graduates – engineers and managers – were coveted by corporations worldwide. But whispers of doubt…

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Abhay Ojha, the former CEO of Zee Media, just detonated a social media bomb. In a scathing LinkedIn post, he laid bare the details of his abrupt dismissal, sending shockwaves through the corporate world. But Ojha’s public tantrum wasn’t just a case of hurt feelings. It ignited a fierce debate: should CEOs, the leaders who set the professional tone, be airing their dirty laundry in public? The rise of social media has been a double-edged sword. It’s opened new communication channels, but also unleashed a wave of disgruntled ex-employees venting on platforms like LinkedIn. Now, CEOs are getting in on…

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A global insurance powerhouse with a $3.5 billion business entered the Indian market in January 2024 with the appointment of Dr. Sandeep Dadia as their CEO and country head. That’s Lockton, and they aren’t just entering the market—they’re building a dream team. Their vision? A team that’s as vibrant and diverse as India itself, driven by excellence, ethical practices, and a desire to give back Lockton, a global insurance brokerage with a $3.5 billion business worldwide entered the Indian market with the appointment of Dr. Sandeep Dadia as their CEO and Country Head. The organization is now looking at building…

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The news hit like a cold wind on a sunny day. Employees at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), scrolling through their morning news feeds, learned of their company’s colossal merger with SmithKline Beecham. Not from an internal memo, not from a heartfelt company-wide address, but from the public eye. This wasn’t just a case of a missed announcement; it was a stark example of blindsiding, a management practice of withholding crucial information from employees. While some companies believe a shroud of secrecy is necessary to shield sensitive details, the long-term effects of blindsiding can be devastating. It can erode trust, stifle creativity, and…

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Imagine waking up with a spring in your step, eager to tackle your day’s tasks. What ignites this spark? It’s the invisible force behind every action we take: motivation. This powerful driver fuels our pursuits, from scaling career heights to mastering a childhood dream. But the engine of motivation has two distinct fuels: intrinsic and extrinsic. Steve Jobs, the visionary behind Apple, once said, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do,” capturing the essence of intrinsic motivation. This internal fire propels us to engage in activities for the sheer joy and fulfilment they bring.…

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In January 2024, a New Year message from the CEO of The Economist sounded a clarion call for survival amidst the growing power of artificial intelligence (AI). He spoke of a seismic shift in our understanding of the workplace, encapsulated in a single term: ‘permavucalution.’ This amalgamation of permanence, volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity with the revolutionary force of artificial intelligence sets the stage for a narrative of transformation. As the winds of change sweep through every sector, it beckons us to re-evaluate the very fabric of our organisations. How do we navigate this perpetual state of crisis? How do…

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DN Group a conglomerate with footprints into real estate, hospitality, retail, food processing and education, has appointed Anil Mohanty as its new chief people officer (CPO). In this new role, Mohanty will be spearheading the HR function for the company. “My role here differs from my previous positions, particularly in its strategic focus. While HR responsibilities always encompass the full spectrum of functions, this role emphasises a more strategic approach, where I’ll be deeply involved in aligning HR initiatives with the company’s growth objectives. This involves everything from designing and implementing HR interventions to establishing a more systematic and structured…

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The Great Resignation wasn’t just a ripple, it was a tsunami that swept across industries. AtkinsRéalis, a French-Canadian design and engineering powerhouse with over 36,000-strong global workforce, wasn’t saved from these waves. They faced numerous challenges within their Building Information Modelling (BIM) team, a critical department as part of their Global Technology Center in India that supports the Company’s global project delivery model. Alakananda Bhattacharjee, AtkinsRéalis’s  HR director,  took a deep dive to understand the root cause. “Our BIM designers felt a lack of growth opportunities. It wasn’t simply about compensation; it was about having a clear path forward,” she…

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Rewarding performance has long been a cornerstone of organisational success. Rewards and recognition serve as clear signals of appreciation for tangible outputs and contributions made towards the company’s objectives. They also act as a retention tool, encouraging employees to strive for excellence and remain engaged in their work. However, since every job comes with a learning curve, one question that often arises is, ‘Should organisations reward employees based on their learning or their performance?’ Let us take the case of Aparna, who works for a popular bakery. Known for her insatiable curiosity and boundless enthusiasm for learning new recipes, techniques…

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In the ever-changing world of energy, Sterlite Power wasn’t content with the status quo. Performance reviews, often seen as a necessary evil that pitted colleagues against each other, were ripe for transformation. Ruhie Pande, the company’s  group CHRO, knew there had to be a better way. A way that fostered not just individual growth but also ensured the company stayed competitive. Sterlite’s solution was a bold three-pronged attack, shattering the mould of traditional appraisals. Transparency, fairness, and individual growth became the cornerstones of their new system. One of the first things to go was the dreaded bell curve. No more categorising…

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In the heart of India’s pharmaceutical industry, Alkem Laboratories stands tall. A giant on the global stage, 70 per cent of its revenue comes from its home turf. But unlike other titans built solely on products, Alkem’s success is fuelled by a powerful engine: its people. And within this engine, the salesforce acts as the lifeblood, a vibrant team that makes up 70 per cent of the company’s workforce. Now imagine keeping them sharp, skilled, and hungry for success in a dynamic, ever-changing market. That’s the challenge Alkem faces, and it’s a challenge they’re winning through a training strategy as…

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Imagine a banking professional, perpetually stressed, bombarded with unrealistic targets, and subjected to public humiliation for minor lapses. This, unfortunately, is the reality for many employees in private banks, where a culture of relentless pressure has become a defining characteristic. Last year, a video from HDFC Bank went viral, showcasing a senior manager publicly berating his team for not meeting targets. This abusive behaviour is not an isolated case. Recently, similar incidents involving private banks such Bandhan Bank and even a public sector bank, Canara Bank, have come to light again, painting a grim picture of a workplace driven by…

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