Author: Radhika Sharma | HRKatha

DN Group a conglomerate with footprints into real estate, hospitality, retail, food processing and education, has appointed Anil Mohanty as its new chief people officer (CPO). In this new role, Mohanty will be spearheading the HR function for the company. “My role here differs from my previous positions, particularly in its strategic focus. While HR responsibilities always encompass the full spectrum of functions, this role emphasises a more strategic approach, where I’ll be deeply involved in aligning HR initiatives with the company’s growth objectives. This involves everything from designing and implementing HR interventions to establishing a more systematic and structured…

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The Great Resignation wasn’t just a ripple, it was a tsunami that swept across industries. AtkinsRéalis, a French-Canadian design and engineering powerhouse with over 36,000-strong global workforce, wasn’t saved from these waves. They faced numerous challenges within their Building Information Modelling (BIM) team, a critical department as part of their Global Technology Center in India that supports the Company’s global project delivery model. Alakananda Bhattacharjee, AtkinsRéalis’s  HR director,  took a deep dive to understand the root cause. “Our BIM designers felt a lack of growth opportunities. It wasn’t simply about compensation; it was about having a clear path forward,” she…

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Rewarding performance has long been a cornerstone of organisational success. Rewards and recognition serve as clear signals of appreciation for tangible outputs and contributions made towards the company’s objectives. They also act as a retention tool, encouraging employees to strive for excellence and remain engaged in their work. However, since every job comes with a learning curve, one question that often arises is, ‘Should organisations reward employees based on their learning or their performance?’ Let us take the case of Aparna, who works for a popular bakery. Known for her insatiable curiosity and boundless enthusiasm for learning new recipes, techniques…

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In the ever-changing world of energy, Sterlite Power wasn’t content with the status quo. Performance reviews, often seen as a necessary evil that pitted colleagues against each other, were ripe for transformation. Ruhie Pande, the company’s  group CHRO, knew there had to be a better way. A way that fostered not just individual growth but also ensured the company stayed competitive. Sterlite’s solution was a bold three-pronged attack, shattering the mould of traditional appraisals. Transparency, fairness, and individual growth became the cornerstones of their new system. One of the first things to go was the dreaded bell curve. No more categorising…

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In the heart of India’s pharmaceutical industry, Alkem Laboratories stands tall. A giant on the global stage, 70 per cent of its revenue comes from its home turf. But unlike other titans built solely on products, Alkem’s success is fuelled by a powerful engine: its people. And within this engine, the salesforce acts as the lifeblood, a vibrant team that makes up 70 per cent of the company’s workforce. Now imagine keeping them sharp, skilled, and hungry for success in a dynamic, ever-changing market. That’s the challenge Alkem faces, and it’s a challenge they’re winning through a training strategy as…

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Imagine a banking professional, perpetually stressed, bombarded with unrealistic targets, and subjected to public humiliation for minor lapses. This, unfortunately, is the reality for many employees in private banks, where a culture of relentless pressure has become a defining characteristic. Last year, a video from HDFC Bank went viral, showcasing a senior manager publicly berating his team for not meeting targets. This abusive behaviour is not an isolated case. Recently, similar incidents involving private banks such Bandhan Bank and even a public sector bank, Canara Bank, have come to light again, painting a grim picture of a workplace driven by…

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Headlines often paint a one-sided picture of employee turnover, focusing on the allure of external opportunities. But lurking beneath the surface lies a powerful, yet often under-examined force: the push factors that compel seemingly satisfied employees to seek greener pastures. Understanding these internal nudges empowers companies to address them proactively, fostering a work environment that retains top talent and avoids the costly ripple effects of departures. Imagine a data scientist, once enthralled by the intellectual challenge of her role, now bogged down in an environment devoid of growth opportunities. Or a salesperson, initially energised by a supportive team, now feeling…

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A flamboyant new trend is taking flight, and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) was one of the first to unfurl its wings. Their social media campaign, yearning for the return of employees to the office space, reflects a growing trend: office peacocking. This flamboyant term describes the strategic makeover of workplaces with stylish furniture, vibrant decor, and an array of amenities. It’s all part of a calculated move by companies to incentivize in-person work in the hybrid era. Think Google-esque workspaces, brimming with open floor plans, lounge areas, and game rooms, all aimed at making employees choose the office over the…

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Project management comes with unforeseen challenges, demanding swift adaptation and strategic maneuvering. For instance, imagine a construction project aiming to build a residential complex encountering a sudden shortage of essential building materials. In such a scenario, effective project management involves promptly identifying alternative suppliers, renegotiating contracts if necessary, and reallocating resources to mitigate delays and uphold project timelines. In such scenarios, adept project managers must excel in steering their teams through the unpredictable waters of project execution, ensuring successful outcomes despite the turbulence. Projects undergo various types of changes throughout their lifecycle. These changes can stem from evolving stakeholder needs,…

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For corporations, CEO succession is a high-stakes gamble. The decision can define a company’s trajectory for years to come. One of the most critical choices involves selecting an insider, someone steeped in the company’s DNA, or an outsider, who brings a fresh perspective. History offers contrasting examples. Apple’s appointment of Tim Cook, a trusted insider, ensured continuity after Steve Jobs’ visionary reign. Conversely, Ford’s selection of Alan Mulally, an outsider, provided a much-needed jolt during a period of crisis. These contrasting approaches highlight the complexities of choosing the next leader. Gone are the days of gut instincts. Sophisticated succession planning,…

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The Himachal Pradesh state government has issued orders to release the overdue revised gratuity payments to employees. The ruling made by the Himachal High Court covers former employees who retired after 2016. This decision stems from a case brought forward by Gajraj Thakur against the higher education department of the Himachal government, prompting the High Court to intervene and direct the state government’s attention to the matter. After the department forwarded the case, the finance department approved the payment of the overdue gratuity to Gajraj Thakur as per the court’s directive. This action has been formally communicated to the High…

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Forget the days of endless job board searches and serendipitous career moves. Artificial intelligence (AI) is ushering in a new era of internal mobility, powered by intelligent talent marketplaces. These platforms are fundamentally transforming how companies identify, develop, and deploy their most valuable asset: their people. The power of AI matchmaking The journey towards AI-driven mobility is driven by a powerful combination of vision and pragmatism. “A key area where AI is making significant strides is its ability to leverage skills data to match employees with the right internal opportunities,” says Vivek Tripathi, VP-HR NewGen Software. Imagine a world where,…

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Gone are the days of HRBPs as paper-pushing generalists. In the era of systemic HR, these professionals are evolving into strategic architects, transforming HR from a siloed function to the central nervous system of the organisation. This shift demands a new breed of HRBP: one adept at navigating complex systems, fostering collaboration, and driving change across the enterprise. From process to partnership The traditional, compartmentalised HR approach—where recruitment, performance management, and employee relations operate independently—struggles to address modern business complexities. Systemic HR offers a solution, viewing HR as an integrated ecosystem that optimises human capital for overall organisational success. This…

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In today’s corporate world, leadership is often synonymous with strength, decisiveness, and an unwavering facade of competence. Vulnerability, on the other hand, can be a source of discomfort, perceived as a weakness that undermines authority. However, a new wave of leadership is challenging this notion. By embracing vulnerability, leaders are forging deeper connections, fostering innovation, and propelling their organisations to new heights. Vulnerability, in the context of leadership, is about authenticity and transparency. It’s about shedding the mask of invincibility and fostering an environment where open communication and shared experiences pave the way for trust and collaboration. Take Satya Nadella’s…

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While talent acquisition and innovation continues to be a battlefield across sectors, a silent revolution is unfolding within the walls of Metropolis Healthcare, a popular diagnostics chain in India. Here, learning isn’t just a buzzword or an occasional seminar; it’s a way of life, carefully woven into the fabric of the organisation’s culture. This is the essence of ‘Shikshantar’, a Sanskrit term signifying ‘the pinnacle of learning’. It is a comprehensive learning agenda meticulously crafted to empower every employee to reach their full potential. “At Metropolis, we firmly believe that knowledge is the cornerstone of progress,” declares Ishita Medhekar, chief…

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With a wealth of experience spanning more than two decades, Piyush Misra has joined Acme as its new group HR head. Misra’s professional journey spans over 22 years in the pharmaceutical industry, covering various sectors such as manufacturing, research and development, and sales and marketing.  Prior to this, Piyush served as the director- human resources at Jubilant Pharmova. In this capacity, he oversaw HR operations while providing strategic HR initiatives in talent management, innovation, change management, while partnering business deliverables. Talking to HRKatha on his current role, Misra said, “Excited taking this new role for this growing organisation, leveraging my…

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Poonawalla Fincorp stands out for its unorthodox approach. Here, success isn’t solely measured by the bottom line; it’s about cultivating a symbiotic relationship where employees thrive alongside the company. This people-centric philosophy, meticulously implemented, has yielded remarkable results – a loyal and high-performing workforce that propels the organisation forward. 2022 marked a pivotal year for Poonawalla Fincorp. The company embarked on a transformative journey, aiming to bridge the gap between ambitious organisational goals and employee aspirations. With a geographically dispersed workforce of 3,000, fostering a shared understanding of the company’s vision was paramount. The Cornerstone of Trust Transparency became the…

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Imagine a bustling office where traditional productivity metrics reign supreme, where sales numbers, units produced and hours worked are meticulously tracked and analysed. However, amidst the sea of quantitative data, something crucial often gets overlooked—the human factor.  For instance, consider a software-development team striving to meet tight deadlines. While their quantitative metrics may show impressive output, it’s the team’s cohesion, creativity and ability to resolve conflicts that truly drives their success. While processes and infrastructure may have their limitations, the potential for optimisation in the people aspect is virtually boundless. Yet, it remains one of the most underutilised levers in…

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Case – XYZ manufacturing company recently implemented a comprehensive employee monitoring system to increase productivity and ensure data security. However, the move sparked concerns among employees and raised ethical questions. Therefore, the enterprise decided to install monitoring software on employees’ work devices to track keystrokes, monitor Internet usage and capture screenshots at random intervals. The primary goal is to enhance productivity and protect sensitive company information from data breaches. Now, the dilemma is that the HR department at the enterprise is confused between maintaining the monitoring system and modifying it. Option 1: One option is to maintain the system as…

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The tech scene, be it in India or San Francisco, is equally crucible, fiercely competitive and unforgiving. In both the landscapes, attracting and retaining top talent isn’t a numbers game; it’s an art form., a software delivery platform, isn’t just filling seats; it’s meticulously building a vibrant ecosystem where exceptional individuals can not only flourish, but become the architects of future innovation. Here, recruitment transcends mere transactions, transforming into a strategic pursuit of fostering a culture of relentless growth. Beyond the black box Unlike traditional reactive approaches to hiring, champions a forward-looking strategy. Luan Lam,’s Chief People…

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The office is dead. Long live the office, but not as we knew it. The past two years of remote work have fundamentally reshaped our understanding of office space.  Gone are the days of sterile cubicles; modern offices must cater to the evolving needs of a hybrid workforce, fostering collaboration and a sense of community while prioritising employee well-being. Roche, a leading healthcare company, has embraced this new vision with its transformative ‘Digital Center of Excellence’ in Pune, India.  This isn’t just an office; it’s a testament to Roche’s commitment to employee well-being, meticulously crafted to support mental and physical…

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The world of logistics is a high-octane arena where agility and innovation are the lifeblood of success. In this cutthroat landscape, talent isn’t a bonus, it’s the oxygen that keeps companies alive. Allcargo Logistics, a leading Indian powerhouse in the logistics and supply chain domain, understands this truth better than most. They’ve disrupted the way they cultivate future leaders through a pioneering talent development framework – the T2V programme. Rewriting the script: The T2V philosophy Unlike traditional programmes that chase elusive “high-potential” individuals, Allcargo’s T2V (Talent to Value) flips the script entirely. “We start by identifying the 200 mission-critical roles…

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The bustling office hums with activity – emails ping, phones buzz, and deadlines loom. But amidst the organised chaos lurk energy-sapping chores – data entry, formatting reports, administrative drudgery. These ‘vampire tasks,’ as they’ve been dubbed, drain focus and leave employees feeling depleted, much like their mythical namesake. However, fear not! By wielding a combination of strategy, collaboration, and self-awareness, one can vanquish these time-sucks and reclaim one’s productivity. One tactic involves injecting a dash of friendly competition into the mix. “Team up with a colleague facing similar tasks,” suggests Tanaya Misra, VP-HR, Endo International. “Transform the monotony into a…

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The tide is turning. The glass ceiling, once a formidable barrier, is starting to crack. But this shift isn’t driven solely by the relentless efforts of talented women. A powerful undercurrent is surging – the unwavering support of male allies. In a world tilted towards men, their allyship is the missing piece. True allies go beyond quotas and empty gestures. They’re champions for collective progress, willing to challenge the status quo. As Shailesh Singh, CPO, Max Life Insurance, puts it, “It’s about active sponsorship – believing in a woman’s potential and advocating for her like you would for your own.”…

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Brittany Pietsch’s viral TikTok video in January 2024 sent shockwaves through the HR world. In it, Pietsch, a former Cloudflare employee, documented her confusing dismissal, where HR representatives struggled to explain the reasons for her termination. The video, garnering over 23 million views, exemplified the growing trend of ‘QuitTok’ – employees publicly resigning and airing grievances on social media. While social media has long been a platform for sharing experiences, from fashion trends to political movements, QuitTok marks a new chapter in workplace discourse. Employees are using platforms like TikTok to candidly express frustrations and shed light on their work…

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Imagine this: a seasoned software engineer, with years of experience under their belt, sitting down to learn a new coding trick from a fresh graduate fresh out of coding bootcamp. Sounds unusual, right? Yet, at Orion Innovation, a technology company nestled in Edison, New Jersey, this scenario isn’t just plausible; it’s part of everyday life. In the heart of Orion’s bustling workspace, amidst the hum of keyboards and the glow of monitors, lies a culture of learning unlike any other. Here, knowledge isn’t just shared; it’s celebrated. And at the forefront of this cultural shift is Orion’s groundbreaking IT training…

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