Author: Radhika Sharma | HRKatha

Remember the buzz surrounding companies such as Apple in its heyday? Brilliant minds, unchained from micromanagement, were free to unleash their creative problem-solving on groundbreaking ideas. This is the allure of employee autonomy, often championed as the holy grail of boosting engagement and efficiency. But like navigating a tightrope, achieving the optimal balance requires a measured approach. The Steve Jobs factor Companies such as Apple, under the leadership of Steve Jobs, embraced a culture of autonomy. He famously believed in hiring ‘A-players’ and then trusting them to get the job done. This approach fostered a sense of ownership and unleashed…

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In today’s competitive job market, recent graduates often face a daunting roadblock: a lack of experience that hinders their ability to secure their first professional role. Recognising this challenge, Genpact, a global professional services firm, is taking a bold step forward with its apprenticeship programme. This year, they plan to onboard a staggering 5,000 apprentices, equipping them with the skills and experience needed to thrive in the corporate world. But how will Genpact train such a large cohort and ensure their success? Genpact’s commitment extends beyond simply filling open positions. The programme, meticulously designed for a 12-month duration, focuses on…

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Imagine a workplace aroma unlike any other: a blend of freshly baked cookies mingling with the murmur of colleagues. But this isn’t your typical office break room. Fidelity Investments’ cafeterias are brimming with healthy snacks, catering to employees’ health-conscious preferences. This seemingly simple initiative reflects a broader philosophy: weaving well-being into the very fabric of the organisation. Fidelity’s journey with healthy eating began nearly a decade ago. “It wasn’t a sudden trend-driven decision,” explains Narayanan Vijayaraghavan, head – compensation & benefits, Fidelity Investments India. “We gradually phased out unhealthy options, introducing nutritious alternatives.” The pandemic acted as a catalyst. As…

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Imagine a factory floor abuzz with activity, not just of machines, but of ideas. Where workers aren’t just following orders, but actively shaping the company’s future. This isn’t science fiction, it’s the reality at Mukand, a Bajaj Group company specialising in steel products and machinery, that’s defying convention by placing the power of innovation directly in the hands of its shop floor employees. Forget the stereotypical view of factory workers as replaceable cogs in a machine. At Mukand, they’re recognised as the beating heart of the business. “We don’t just mean senior leadership by total employee involvement,” emphasises Viplav Bhatt,…

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Humility is a cornerstone of effective leadership. It fosters collaboration, approachability, and a willingness to learn from others. Yet, a seemingly paradoxical question emerges: can too much humility hinder career advancement? The answer lies in achieving a delicate balance.  While humility fosters respect, an excess can lead to underestimation and missed opportunities.  Rajeev Singh, a senior HR professional, cautions that overly humble individuals “risk being overlooked or undervalued at the workplace, as their contributions may go unnoticed.” “Overly humble individuals risk being overlooked or undervalued at the workplace, as their contributions may go unnoticed.” Rajeev Singh, a senior HR professional…

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For Carelon Global Solutions, a healthcare data analytics and IT services company, the focus goes beyond just talent acquisition. They’ve cracked the code on building a truly inclusive workforce, one where nearly 40 per cent of its workforce comprises women associates. This commitment to diversity isn’t just about optics; it’s a strategic imperative that fuels innovation and drives growth. Carelon’s secret weapon? A data-driven approach that ensures fairness and minimises bias throughout the talent pipeline.  “We leverage data analytics and reporting to identify trends and tailor interventions accordingly,” explains Subhashini Sriram, managing director, HR, Carelon Global Solutions.  “This allows us…

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Imagine a company where fresh talent is nurtured alongside seasoned leaders, and where diversity is not just a buzzword but a springboard for innovation. This is the vision that Perfios, a leading SaaS fintech company, with around 1000 plus employees, is actively realising through its investment in employee development programmes. This commitment to inclusivity wasn’t born out of abstract ideals; it stemmed from a practical need. Perfios’ employee resource group (ERG) consistently highlighted the lack of female representation in senior leadership roles. “We realised that true progress required a solution that addressed the specific challenges faced by women in our…

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Imagine this: you confide in a colleague about a recent financial setback, trusting them with a vulnerability. But instead of empathy, you receive a cold shoulder. Later, you discover they’ve used this information to undermine you during a promotion push. This is the harsh reality of oversharing at work. The modern office thrives on collaboration, and building rapport with colleagues is essential. But where does friendly conversation turn into career suicide? Striking the right balance between personal disclosure and professional discretion is a tightrope walk. A misstep can damage your reputation, fuel office politics, and leave your career prospects dead…

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In the rugged world of mining, traditionally a male domain, Hindustan Zinc, a leading Indian zinc producer, is making history. Forget quotas; the company has mandated a groundbreaking 25 per cent female representation in decision-making bodies, ensuring women have a powerful voice in shaping the industry’s future. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Hindustan Zinc is on a mission to shatter stereotypes and empower women to excel in every facet of mining operations, from the boardroom to the mine shaft. The journey wasn’t easy. Stringent regulations often restricted women’s work hours and relegated them to specific roles.…

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Imagine a world where work schedules revolve around individual energy levels, not the rigid confines of a clock. This isn’t science fiction; it’s “chronoworking,” a burgeoning trend that aligns work hours with an employee’s natural circadian rhythm. Take Marcus Bennett, a San Francisco software engineer who thrives during the late evening. Unlike his colleagues adhering to the traditional 9-to-5, Marcus starts his day at a leisurely pace, diving into deep coding sessions when his creativity peaks between 6 p.m. and midnight. The COVID-19 pandemic has propelled flexible work arrangements to the forefront, and chronoworking takes it a step further. Coined…

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Imagine a tech company where fresh graduates aren’t just cogs in the machine, but future innovators christened ‘Mavericks’ who get to rewrite the rulebook. That’s the world Hexaware, a global tech powerhouse, is building. Forget the usual glacial pace of corporate training programmes. Here, graduates dive headfirst into ‘Spark’, a programme that equips them not just with the technical ropes, but the tools to invent entirely new knots. This laser focus on future-proofing their workforce is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how Hexaware defies expectations. Learning that sparks innovation The tech industry is a whirlwind…

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Job sharing, where two or more employees split a full-time position, is a growing trend in workplaces seeking to offer work-life balance and attract talent. But does it translate to higher productivity? The answer, like many things in management, is nuanced. Proponents hail job sharing’s potential to bring fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to tasks. By leveraging the combined knowledge and experience of two individuals, job sharing can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of a project and potentially faster completion times. This is particularly true for tasks that are well-defined, repetitive, or data-driven, such as data entry or quality…

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In today’s dynamic technological landscape, a company’s culture transcends a mere tagline; it becomes a core element shaping its identity and interactions. Unisys, an American multinational information technology (IT) services and consulting company, exemplifies this understanding. In late 2022, the company, embarked on a comprehensive transformation journey. This initiative aimed not just to rebrand Unisys but also to redefine its internal culture. The focus extended beyond mere rebranding; it aimed to achieve alignment between internal values and external identity. This initiative culminated in the creation of a “Winning Culture”—a set of core values and behaviours designed to foster employee engagement,…

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The health insurance industry demands a nimble workforce. Employees must navigate complex products, a competitive landscape, and customer inquiries that range from straightforward to intricate. Sourcing such talent can be challenging, prompting Niva Bupa, a leading Indian health insurer, to prioritise internal development through continuous learning initiatives. “We believe in nurturing talent from within,” asserts Tarun Katyal, CHRO, Niva Bupa. “This two-pronged approach – building internal talent and strategically hiring externally – ensures a skilled and adaptable workforce that drives organisational success.” The learning gym: A personalised learning hub At the heart of Niva Bupa’s learning ecosystem lies the Learning…

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Large organisations are not monolithic entities. Within them exist micro-cultures – smaller, specialised communities united by shared interests, values, or backgrounds. These vibrant ecosystems, often overlooked, hold the key to fostering collaboration, innovation, and ultimately, organisational success. “These micro-cultures,” explains Venkattesh R, former president, DCB Bank, “develop their own norms, practices, and social dynamics that contribute to the overall culture.” A marketing department, for example, might cultivate a culture of creativity and risk-taking, distinct from the more process-driven environment of finance. “Like tributaries merging into a mighty river, diverse micro-cultures contribute to the richness and resilience of the overall culture,…

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Sterling & Wilson Renewable Energy, a global engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) company, isn’t just building a sustainable future through renewable energy projects; it’s cultivating a thriving workforce to achieve that goal. The company understands that employee engagement goes beyond paychecks. It prioritises flexibility, continuous learning, talent development, and a diverse and inclusive culture, fostering an environment where employees feel valued, empowered, and equipped to excel. Flexibility as the cornerstone Sterling & Wilson recognises the importance of work-life balance. Its cornerstone policy, ‘Flexi’, empowers employees to manage their schedules effectively. Gone are the rigid nine-to-five routines. Instead, employees can choose…

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The spectre of crisis looms over every organisation. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a cyberattack, or a sudden economic downturn, disruptions can cripple operations and erode trust. In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, fostering a culture of crisis preparedness within teams isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. But what are the building blocks of teams that can navigate turbulent waters and emerge stronger on the other side? Awareness is the first line of defense “Crisis preparedness starts with acknowledging that crises can happen anytime,” says Shailesh Singh, senior director and CPO, Max Life Insurance. From economic downturns to unforeseen events such…

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The clanging symphony of a factory floor isn’t typically a place you’d expect to find a revolution brewing. But in Sriperumbudur, India, Saint-Gobain’s World Glass Complex is shattering the glass ceiling with an all-women team leading the charge. This isn’t just a symbolic gesture; it’s a bold experiment proving that women can excel in what was once considered a man’s world. “We see diversity and gender inclusion as the cornerstones of our business, not just HR buzzwords,” emphasises P. Padmakumar, executive director, human resources, Saint-Gobain India. “Our goal isn’t just to have more women, it’s to smash the stereotype that…

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Across the globe, organisations are increasingly recognising the value of diverse perspectives and fostering inclusive work environments.  Eaton, a global power management company, exemplifies this commitment, actively implementing strategies to support and empower women throughout their careers.  In India, where the company maintains a significant presence in manufacturing, commercial operations, and technical functions, Eaton’s dedication to diversity extends beyond gender, encompassing initiatives that engage the next generation and support individuals with disabilities. Highlighting the significance of diversity and inclusion, Ashish Kapoor, director-human resources, Eaton India, emphasises, “The gender diversity within our talent pool is crucial, mirroring the diversity of the…

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Striking the right balance between directness and tact in workplace communication is an art form, essential for fostering open dialogue, fostering collaboration, and maintaining a positive work environment. Navigating this delicate balance requires careful planning, strategic delivery, and an understanding of the nuances of direct communication. Planning for directness Effective communication in the workplace begins with meticulous planning. “Careful planning before engaging in important conversations” is crucial, emphasises Vivek Tripathi, VP-HR, NewGen Software. This is particularly relevant when delivering feedback, seeking resources, or discussing critical matters with colleagues or superiors. “Careful planning before engaging in important conversations is crucial. This…

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In today’s hyper-connected world, work bleeds seamlessly into personal time. Emails pile up after hours, phones buzz incessantly, and the pressure to be ‘always on’ becomes a constant strain. Atul, a dedicated employee, exemplifies this struggle. Juggling demanding tasks and unrelenting requests, he yearns for an elusive balance between dedication and personal well-being. The solution lies in establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries, the metaphorical conductors of this personal and professional orchestra. Similar to the walls of a building, boundaries provide a framework for collaboration, communication, and individual well-being. They become especially critical in a world where technology blurs the lines…

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In the dynamic realm of advancing technology, maintaining a competitive edge demands more than mere adaptability; it requires an unwavering commitment to the continuous upskilling and reskilling of the workforce. This resolute commitment stands as a cornerstone of UBS, the multinational investment bank and financial services company. UBS’ approach extends beyond conventional talent development, delving into the creation of inclusive environments and gender-neutral recruitment processes, showcasing a comprehensive strategy that ensures diverse communities harmoniously coexist. Jyothi Menon, country head-HR and head, APAC HR Service Delivery, UBS, articulates the organisation’s deep-rooted values in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) coupled with talent…

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Imagine two team members, entrusted with a critical project under tight deadlines, clashing over their approaches. One, meticulously plans every step, prioritising quality through a sequential method. The other, eager for swift results, champions an agile and iterative approach for faster delivery. This scenario exemplifies a task conflict, a common occurrence when team members propose differing methodologies for tackling crucial assignments. However, similar to how ‘impossible’ implies the potential for ‘I’m possible’, these conflicts can be catalysts for fostering productive collaboration. The key to navigating such situations lies in aligning with the organisational vision and fostering a shared understanding of…

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An elevated role, marked by a significant leap in responsibilities and expectations, requires more than just an updated job title. It demands a strategic shift, necessitating heightened leadership, adaptability, and strategic thinking. Whether leading a team, undertaking a pivotal project, or assuming broader responsibilities, excelling in this new position hinges on a unique skillset and a proactive approach. It goes beyond mere task management, encompassing the ability to navigate complexities, foster innovation, and inspire others to excel. The cornerstone of success lies in understanding the role’s nuances. As Kinjal Choudhary, CHRO, Cadila, says, a “clear understanding of the role requirements”…

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The ability to ask insightful questions is a cornerstone of professional growth and also a coveted skill in the workplace, yet fear often holds individuals back. Newcomers are apprehensive of appearing incompetent, while seasoned professionals grapple with the anxieties of challenging established perspectives. But asking the ‘right’ questions isn’t about perfection; it’s about engaging thoughtfully and developing critical thinking. So, how can individuals muster the courage to ask effectively, and how can organisations foster a culture where every query is valued? Rajeev Singh, an HR leader & former CHRO, Solara Active Pharma, believes learning the art of asking is often…

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Imagine a sales application that doesn’t just track numbers, but also understands one’s motivations and delivers personalised nudges to boost his/her performance. This isn’t science fiction; it’s the reality for the salesforce at DS Group, a leading FMCG conglomerate. Their innovative ‘nudge’ application, powered by AI, is just one example of their progressive approach to talent development. Unlocking the secret sauce The application starts by learning about each salesperson’s unique drivers. Do they thrive on competition and seek to top the regional leaderboard? Or are they primarily motivated by financial rewards? This information is gathered through various sources, including past…

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