Author: Radhika Sharma | HRKatha

An elevated role, marked by a significant leap in responsibilities and expectations, requires more than just an updated job title. It demands a strategic shift, necessitating heightened leadership, adaptability, and strategic thinking. Whether leading a team, undertaking a pivotal project, or assuming broader responsibilities, excelling in this new position hinges on a unique skillset and a proactive approach. It goes beyond mere task management, encompassing the ability to navigate complexities, foster innovation, and inspire others to excel. The cornerstone of success lies in understanding the role’s nuances. As Kinjal Choudhary, CHRO, Cadila, says, a “clear understanding of the role requirements”…

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The ability to ask insightful questions is a cornerstone of professional growth and also a coveted skill in the workplace, yet fear often holds individuals back. Newcomers are apprehensive of appearing incompetent, while seasoned professionals grapple with the anxieties of challenging established perspectives. But asking the ‘right’ questions isn’t about perfection; it’s about engaging thoughtfully and developing critical thinking. So, how can individuals muster the courage to ask effectively, and how can organisations foster a culture where every query is valued? Rajeev Singh, an HR leader & former CHRO, Solara Active Pharma, believes learning the art of asking is often…

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Imagine a sales application that doesn’t just track numbers, but also understands one’s motivations and delivers personalised nudges to boost his/her performance. This isn’t science fiction; it’s the reality for the salesforce at DS Group, a leading FMCG conglomerate. Their innovative ‘nudge’ application, powered by AI, is just one example of their progressive approach to talent development. Unlocking the secret sauce The application starts by learning about each salesperson’s unique drivers. Do they thrive on competition and seek to top the regional leaderboard? Or are they primarily motivated by financial rewards? This information is gathered through various sources, including past…

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In the competitive world of power transmission and generation, Sterlite Power stands out for its consistent ability to deliver projects ahead of schedule. This success hinges on a crucial factor: its exceptional talent pool. Recognising this, the company has prioritised employee development through a comprehensive and innovative approach, creating a positive work environment that fosters growth and retention. “We actively assess evolving skill requirements and tailor our programmes to address them effectively,” explains Ruhie Pande, G-CHRO at Sterlite Power. “We don’t wait for training requirements to arise; we pre-emptively curate programmes, ensuring our workforce is equipped with the necessary skills.”…

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In a notable departure from conventional financial wisdom, Generation Z is ushering in a new era of soft saving—a departure that is prompting a re-evaluation of workplace compensation structures. Born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, Gen Z is challenging established norms related to financial planning. Soft saving, a contemporary approach, involves earmarking funds for immediate goals such as holidays, skill development, and technological advancements, steering clear of the rigid structures of traditional retirement planning. This shift is evident in the 2023 YouGov India Millennial & Gen Z Survey, where 35 per cent of Indian Gen Z respondents prioritise saving…

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Globalisation’s call demands localisation. Just as instruments blend in an orchestra, companies navigating diverse markets must adapt policies to resonate with each region’s unique cultural nuances – their policies must harmonise with each region’s unique cultural symphony. AHEAD, a Chicago-based tech firm with roots in data centres, recently opened its office in Gurugram in India, aiming to cultivate a workplace that speaks to its employees’ hearts and minds. “Balancing standardisation with localisation is our key challenge,” admits Kristin Supancich, chief people officer, AHEAD, in an exclusive interview with HRKatha. Her solution? “A flexible framework,” she explains, “ensuring consistency in core…

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Resilience – the ability to bounce back from adversity and thrive under pressure – is often hailed as a key ingredient for success in the dynamic world of work. It empowers individuals to overcome setbacks, adapt to change, and maintain a positive outlook, fostering personal growth and contributing to a resilient organisational culture. But what happens when the pursuit of resilience becomes an obsession? From ally to adversary: The pitfalls of overextending resilience The pursuit of unattainable goals, coupled with a refusal to adapt, can transform resilience from an asset into a hindrance. Sriharsha Achar, CHRO, Star Health Insurance, warns…

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In today’s competitive business landscape, fostering an inclusive and engaging work environment is not just a feel-good initiative; it’s a strategic imperative. Jakson Green, a new energy-transition platform backed by the renewable major Jakson Group, exemplifies this philosophy. As they expand their global footprint, they’re not only attracting top talent from diverse backgrounds but also cultivating a culture that fosters employee engagement and fuels sustained growth. Weaving a diverse tapestry Jakson Green’s commitment to inclusivity starts at the recruitment stage. With operations across continents, they actively seek talent from various nationalities, tapping into diverse skillsets and perspectives. “We target expertise…

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Building high-performing teams requires careful selection. But should candidates be assessed primarily on their potential impact or personality fit? This debate rages on, leaving HR professionals and hiring managers navigating the complexities of building diverse teams across all levels. “Potential is crucial,” acknowledges P Dwarakanath, senior HR leader, “but not the sole determinant.” “A proven track record and personality traits such as executive presence and leadership abilities significantly predict success within an organisation,” he says. “A proven track record and personality traits such as executive presence and leadership abilities significantly predict success within an organisation.” P Dwarakanath, senior HR leader…

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For decades, talent has been a dynamic concept, shaped by the skills demanded by the times. While qualifications held sway in the past, the 21st century has witnessed a fundamental shift, in today’s information age, skills are the cornerstone of talent, shaping the workforce of both present and future. From the dot-com boom’s IT prowess to the automation wave’s technical expertise, talent has consistently mirrored the prevailing technological landscape. But a crucial turning point came in the 1990s, marking a shift from valuing tangible assets such as degrees to the intangible prowess of individuals – their expertise, creativity, problem-solving, and…

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India’s Interim Budget 2024, dubbed ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’ (Together, Everyone’s Development), emphasises stability, inclusive growth, and crucial investments in education, infrastructure and entrepreneurship. While job creation wasn’t explicitly addressed, the budget’s focus on long-term growth and human capital development holds promise for the future of India’s workforce. According to Viswanath PS, MD & CEO, Randstad, the spotlight on inclusive education, income generation and employment opportunities positions India strategically to attract global stakeholders. Investments in educational infrastructure emerge as a linchpin for equipping the workforce for future demands, signalling a positive trajectory in building a skilled talent pool. This comprehensive…

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In the relentless quest for employee satisfaction, organisations are increasingly embracing the concept of psychological safety: fostering an environment where individuals feel secure to voice opinions, take risks, and fail without fear of retribution. But what happens when this pursuit of comfort takes a detour into complacency? Can too much psychological safety actually be counterproductive? Pankaj Lochan, CHRO at Navin Flourine, paints a telling picture. He likens the relationship between psychological safety and productivity to an inverted hockey stick. “Imagine a graph,” he says, “with psychological safety on the X-axis and productivity on the Y. Initially, the line climbs steadily, reflecting…

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Merck India, the global life sciences giant, is making waves in employee well-being with its pioneering Fertility Benefit Programme. This innovative initiative tackles a taboo topic head-on, offering financial and emotional support for fertility treatments to both male and female employees, and their spouses. The programme stems from a deep understanding of the evolving workforce. “Our ‘leaky bucket’ concern, where women drop out at senior levels, made us realise we needed to do more,” reveals Shiv Kumar, head-HR, Merck, India. “The programme aims to empower employees to balance career and personal aspirations, particularly when it comes to family planning.” Merck…

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Leadership. The word conjures images of decisive action, strategic vision, and the ability to inspire. But what about the flip side? The Leadership Grinches who drain the joy from workplaces, leaving behind disengaged employees and flagging morale? Coined from a character in a Christmas tale, the leadership Grinch is synonymous with leaders or managers displaying counterproductive behaviours. While the term may not be a formal diagnosis, its essence resonates. It’s a metaphor for behaviours that erode trust, stifle creativity, and ultimately hinder organisational success. So, how can leaders avoid this fate and cultivate thriving workplaces instead? “Creating a positive and…

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Reaching the apex of the corporate world, the C-suite, is akin to scaling Mount Everest. The air is thin, the challenges immense, and the view from the top breathtaking for those who reach it. But what specific traits equip a climber for this arduous journey? What blend of experience, skills, and personality unlocks the door to the highest executive echelons? For Lalit Kar, senior VP-Workforce Management, Reliance Retail, it all boils down to multifunctionality: “Executives can’t be confined to single-department silos,” he asserts. They need a broader canvas, experience spanning at least two areas within the organisation. This breadth fuels…

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In the high-pressure world of business, HR leadership often translates to an endless juggling act. From driving growth to navigating compliance, and fostering collaboration, the weight of responsibility can feel suffocating. Traditionally, HR leaders have shouldered this burden, striving for omnipresence and suppressing vulnerabilities. But in an era where employee well-being reigns supreme, a crucial question emerges: can HR leaders, the champions of well-being for others, prioritise their own? Traditionally, the mantle of leadership has been draped in an aura of stoicism, demanding unwavering presence and unwavering responsibility. Yet, the tide is turning. Employee well-being has rightfully taken centre stage,…

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For Anna, head-HR at an IT company, setting objectives and even scheduling follow-ups wasn’t enough. Meetings still dragged on, leaving participants drained and unproductive. In the remote and hybrid work landscape, the once-simple act of having a meeting has become a logistical minefield. But it doesn’t have to be this way. What if, instead of time-wasters, meetings could become engines of progress? To truly unlock the potential of meetings, we need to transform them from productivity sinkholes into powerhouses. “Meetings without a clear agenda are invitations to wander,” says Tanaya Misra, VP-HR, Endo International. “They quickly devolve into aimless discussions,…

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The rigid lines of the ‘either/or’ world are blurring. Today, a different mindset is taking centre stage: ‘both/and’. This powerful approach moves beyond the limitations of binary choices, embracing the richness of multiple perspectives and forging a path towards collaboration, innovation, and success. “A ‘both/and’ mindset becomes indispensable when dealing with diverse elements,” emphasises Praveen Purohit, deputy CHRO, Vedanta Resources. It transcends the false dichotomy of choosing one path over another, inviting a comprehensive and combined approach to decision-making. “A ‘both/and’ mindset becomes indispensable when dealing with diverse elements.” Praveen Purohit, deputy CHRO, Vedanta Resources Imagine two colleagues locked in…

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Gaslighting, an insidious form of manipulation, doesn’t announce itself with flashing neon lights. It lurks in the corners of the office, whispering doubts and distortions through seemingly harmless comments or veiled criticisms. It can manifest in the words of a micromanaging boss who denies ever setting unrealistic deadlines, the subtle jabs of a colleague who takes credit for your ideas while downplaying your contributions, or even the passive-aggressive emails that leave you questioning your own understanding of reality. This toxic behaviour, characterised by denial of reality, subtle disapprovals and attempts to undermine confidence, can wreak havoc on both personal and…

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Forget the tired trope of corporate activism. In the heart of India’s textile industry, Trident, a manufacturing company, is quietly weaving a revolution in women’s empowerment. Pooja B Luthra, the company’s CHRO, isn’t just ticking diversity boxes; she’s dismantling the very fabric of societal constraints that hold women back. “Diversity isn’t a fad for us,” Luthra declares. “It’s been embedded in our DNA for over two decades.” This isn’t just lip service. For 20 years, Trident has been a haven for women, particularly those from rural India, where patriarchal norms and limited opportunities can strangle dreams. But Luthra and Trident…

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Beyond annual reviews and pay bumps, promotion conversations are pivotal moments in an employee’s journey. Yet, these crucial dialogues often stumble upon awkwardness, ambiguity, and disappointment. But what if, instead of a tense minefield, promotion discussions could become a collaborative roadmap for growth? Enter the competency-driven approach, a data-backed philosophy championed by senior HR leaders such as Rajiv Singh. “Promotion isn’t just tenure or performance,” he emphasises, “it’s about mastering the specific skills and behaviours needed for the next level.” This clarity sets the stage for a transparent conversation, where managers articulate not just the reasons behind a decision, but…

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Trapped in a labyrinth of self-doubt and inadequacy, many face the insidious grip of productivity guilt – the gnawing conviction that they are never doing enough, regardless of actual achievements. This pervasive feeling, fuelled by a complex interplay of internal and external pressures, cripples well-being and hinders performance. Yet, by embracing a holistic perspective on success and implementing practical strategies, individuals and organisations can overcome this guilt and build a more fulfilling and sustainable work environment. Unravelling the threads of guilt Shailesh Singh, CHRO, Max Life Insurance, identifies complacency and a lack of self-confidence as key strands: “Individuals unable to…

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Beyond technology, Teachmint fosters a vibrant, engaged community where employees feel valued, empowered, and excited to contribute to the company’s ambitious global vision Teachmint, a rising star in the edtech world, isn’t just disrupting educational technology. It’s also pioneering a unique organisational culture that prioritises employee engagement, growth, and well-being. This people-centric approach, as Farhan Ahmed Hazarika, head of HR and admin, Teachmint, explains, is not just a feel-good initiative but a strategic investment in building a thriving community of passionate talent – the engine driving Teachmint’s global success. Engagement beyond the checkbox Forget run-of-the-mill HR-led activities. Teachmint empowers its…

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In the dynamic world of corporate hiring, discovering the perfect match for each employee can often feel like seeking a rare four-leaf clover. With over 14000 employees spread across the country, Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) faced this challenge head-on. Their solution?  Introducing a robust technology solution,’ powered by advanced AI driven talent mobility programme designed to seamlessly connect internal talent with available opportunities that best align with their skills and aspirations. Driven by its commitment to fostering career growth, JLL recognized the need for a robust internal mobility programme to accommodate its extensive workforce. To move beyond mere good intentions,…

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The realm of leadership is a tightrope walk. Leaders must be demanding enough to drive results, yet empathetic enough to foster a thriving work environment. Crossing the line from being a ‘tough boss’ to a ‘toxic leader’ can have disastrous consequences for morale, productivity, and ultimately, organisational success. Differentiating these two seemingly similar roles, and understanding how to prevent the shift, is crucial for leaders and organisations alike. Rajesh Balaji, CHRO,, identifies the crux of the matter: a leader losing their core purpose. “When the focus shifts from enhancing team and organisational performance to personal gain or ego,” he…

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Gone are the days of token gestures and top-down mandates. HDFC ERGO, a leading Indian insurance giant, is rewriting the playbook on gender representation. Their secret weapon? A shift from mere quotas to genuine inclusivity, empowered from the ground up through initiatives such as Project Shakti. “The call for gender balance is not solely about meeting quotas,” explains Sudakshina Bhattacharya, HDFC ERGO’s president & CHRO. “It is about fostering an inclusive corporate culture that recognises and values the unique contributions of every employee.” Shakti tackles gender balance not as a compliance exercise, but as a strategic imperative. Recognising the unique…

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