Author: Saheba Khatun | HRKatha

Ensuring employees’ mental wellness and well-being is of utmost importance for any organisation. A mentally-healthy workforce leads to increased productivity, reduced absenteeism and higher employee morale. When employees feel supported and valued, they are motivated to stay engaged and committed to their roles. Clearly, FourKites, a leading visibility solutions provider, realises this only too well.   Recognising the urgent need to value employees’ mental well-being, FourKites, a company with a people-first philosophy, has introduced a unique initiative called ‘Rest & Recharge Day.’ The firm is aware that fostering a positive work environment that prioritises mental health encourages creativity, innovation and effective…

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The world of work has undeniably evolved over the years, with technology and globalisation reshaping how companies and organisations operate. One noticeable shift has been towards a more transactional approach, focusing on efficiency, productivity and quantifiable outcomes. While this shift may bring numerous benefits, it also raises concerns about the potential downsides of downplaying emotional aspects in the workplace. The advent of technology, automation and data-driven decision-making has significantly contributed to the rise of transactional work cultures. Companies are increasingly prioritising speed, accuracy and profitability, leading to a stronger emphasis on tasks and objectives rather than fostering emotional connections between…

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Middle managers play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between senior leadership and front-line employees. They are the linchpins that hold organisations together. Yet, their contributions are often overlooked or underappreciated compared to their individual-contributor counterparts. How significant are middle managers? What are the challenges they face? How can organisations empower and support middle managers to become effective leaders and change agents in the evolving workplace? Let us try and find some answers. Middle managers often find themselves caught between the expectations of senior leadership and the realities on the ground. While their managerial skills are essential for driving…

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Sentiment analysis is the process of using natural language processing and machine learning techniques to determine the emotional tone behind a piece of text, whether positive, negative, or neutral. The term was derived before 2000, with early research focusing on classifying sentiment in product reviews and social-media posts. In recent years, sentiment analysis has gained immense importance due to the explosive growth of online content and the need for businesses to understand customer opinions. It helps companies make data-driven decisions, monitor brand reputation, gauge public response to products, and enhance the customer experience, all leading to better strategic insights. Why…

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Recently, a video has been circulating on social media in which a BYJU’s employee is seen confronting the leadership about work practices within the ed-tech firm. It has been observed that many companies which experience extraordinary growth, expanding at ‘jet speed’, face challenges in maintaining a high-performance environment while ensuring employee motivation and satisfaction. Companies that grow and rise at jet speed often develop an environment of high performance pressure. With escalating expectations to meet aggressive targets, employees may feel the weight of intense competition and the constant drive to outperform rivals. This environment can be a double-edged sword. Not only…

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A workplace full of busy employees poring over documents, or staring into their screens, crunching data and chasing deadlines is a treat to the eyes. After all, busy and seemingly engaged employees lead to high productivity and output for the company. But what if things are not really what they appear to be? What if the employees who ‘look’ busy are not really so? Yes, sometimes, there lies beneath the surface of this productivity culture a darker side called ‘productivity theatre’. The presence of the word ‘theatre’ in the term is enough to tell us that it is all about…

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Amidst a fiercely-competitive business landscape, talent is widely recognised as a valuable asset for any organisation. After all, it is common knowledge that skilled and motivated employees drive innovation, productivity and profitability. Not surprisingly then, some companies inadvertently fall into the trap of talent hoarding. They retain talented individuals without offering them opportunities for growth and advancement. While most employers hoard talent as a safeguard against losing top performers, the long-term consequences of doing so can be both detrimental and expensive for the organisation. Tanaya Mishra, VP and head – HR, Endo International, emphasises the importance of ensuring a strong…

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Hopping from one job to another is what job hoppers do. Hopping from one industry or sector to another is what industry hoppers do. The phenomenon of ‘industry hopping’ has become increasingly prevalent. Instead of staying within one industry for an extended period, these industry hoppers actively seek opportunities to explore new fields, gain diverse experiences and broaden their skill set. The trend has become more prevalent in recent years due to the dynamic nature of the job market, changing career expectations and the increasing emphasis on personal growth and development. These professionals frequently switch between different industries, seeking new…

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The quest for innovative ideas and efficient problem solving knows no bounds. Both mind mapping and brainstorming are powerful tools widely used across various fields to generate and organise thoughts. Mind mapping excels at exploring complex concepts visually, while brainstorming fosters collaboration and rapid idea generation. Both methods contribute significantly to fostering innovation and effective problem solving, empowering individuals and teams to unlock their creative potential and face challenges with confidence. Classic approach: Brainstorming “In brainstorming sessions, participants build upon each other’s ideas, leading to a diverse range of creative solutions” Rajesh Jain, CHRO, Welspun Ever since Alex Osborn…

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The period between submitting the resignation and leaving the job can be a unique and valuable opportunity for personal and professional growth. In many Indian companies, the notice period for employees who resign is often three months. Unfortunately, this practice can hinder productivity and reflect outdated mindsets. Employees who have submitted their resignation may mentally detach themselves from the company soon after, resulting in decreased motivation and efficiency. Additionally, the extended notice period can create challenges for individuals seeking new opportunities. Atul Mathur, executive VP, Aditya Birla Capital, says that it is understandable that achieving a productive and successful transition…

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Employees tend to remain loyal to organisations where they either get the opportunity to excel in their specific field or are allowed exposure to additional responsibilities that add value to their skill set. Naturally, organisations are increasingly realising and recognising the importance of employee development and career growth. To foster a motivated and engaged workforce, employers often turn to strategies such as job enlargement and job enrichment. Both approaches aim to enhance employee satisfaction and enable personal and professional growth. However, when it comes to employee development and career growth, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Both job enlargement and job…

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As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance and reshape various industries, it is crucial to recognise the profound impact it has on the importance of soft skills in the modern workplace. While AI technology automates routine tasks and enhances productivity, the human element becomes increasingly valuable. Consider a situation where a customer calls to express dissatisfaction with a delay in the delivery of a product they had ordered for their child’s birthday. Due to this delay, the product will not arrive in time for the special occasion. While a chatbot may offer limited assistance and provide basic information, it is…

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Everyone, right from a school student to a retired octogenarian is using technology today in its innumerable forms. But lack of knowledge of technology does not bother the seniors as much as it does the youngsters. For instance, on being paid in cash, when the neighbourhood vegetable vendor says ‘You don’t use Gpay’, in an almost ridiculing tone, the wise old grandfather is less likely to feel less embarrassed than his teenaged grandson who may want to disown his grandfather for being so tech unsavvy. Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, shaping the way we work,…

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Quiet thriving refers to a state in which individuals experience personal growth and fulfillment. They flourish within an organisation despite not actively seeking attention or recognition. It is characterised by a sense of purpose, engagement and well-being. Simply put, individuals who consistently excel in their work, adding significant value to their teams and organisations, are known as quiet thrivers. Their contributions can lead to increased productivity levels and improved outcomes. Their key strengths lie in their dedication, reliability and consistent high-quality performance. These individuals often possess exceptional problem-solving skills, the ability to work independently and a natural inclination to take…

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Traditionally, certain domains or functions within organisations, such as the manufacturing or sales departments, have been perceived as being male dominated. However, these stereotypes are being shattered with a new wave of progressiveness entering the workforce. While sales roles have historically been associated with male dominance, the landscape is evolving. In recent years, there has been a substantial increase in the presence of women in sales, injecting the field with fresh perspectives, valuable skills and a track record of success. Tarun Katyal, CHRO, Niva Bupa, admits that there has been a growing focus on women employees and their involvement in…

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Recently, Samsung reportedly banned the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools after it was discovered that employees had uploaded sensitive code to the platform. Tech major, Apple has restricted the usage of ChatGPT by its employees, and so has JP Morgan Chase. Are employers scared of generative AI? If they are, it is not really surprising because generative AI is all about ‘intelligence’, a terms that is a significant part of its name itself. Imagine when it becomes free for one and all to use, with caution and safety thrown to the winds! This will result in nothing short…

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While demand for resources exists in all organisations, there is often a greater urgency to find candidates who can hit the ground running in the smaller firms. Let’s look at two scenarios. Arman is entrusted with filling the vacancy of operations head urgently. He works for a small tech organisation with less than 100 employees. He knows that if he doesn’t hire the operations manager fast, work will become unmanageable amidst strict deadlines. He also knows that extensive training periods may not be feasible due to the limited budget he has at his disposal. Vijay, on the other hand, works…

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In the dynamic business landscape, organisations are constantly seeking ways to enhance their efficiency and stay competitive. One powerful approach that has gained traction is cross-functional training. By equipping employees with knowledge and skills beyond their core functions, organisations can unlock a range of benefits that ultimately leads to improved efficiency and productivity. Benefits of cross-functional training Sunil Ranjhan, senior advisor, LG electronics, believes that cross-functional training is an extremely effective and beneficial concept for organisations. It offers numerous advantages that contribute to improved employee performance and productivity. Appreciation for other functions: Cross-functional training helps individuals understand and appreciate other…

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The recent Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) recruitment scam has sent shockwaves through the information technology (IT) industry. It has exposed the unethical practices in mass hiring and internal resource management. Scam uncovered The scam that shook TCS revolves around ES Chakravarthy, global head, resource management group (RMG), TCS, who allegedly accepted bribes from staffing agencies over an extended period of time. Responsible for hiring and placing candidates within the organisation, the RMG processes an astounding average of one candidate per minute. With around 3,000 employees, the division handles the placement of over a thousand engineers and new hires daily. Allegations…

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Organisational change is a constant in today’s dynamic business environment. Whether it’s the implementation of new technologies, process improvements, or strategic shifts, successfully navigating change requires effective leadership and early adoption by employees. After all, like Einstein said, ‘The measure of intelligence is the ability to change’. Intelligent managers who wish to drive early adoption within their organisations, act as change agents, inspiring and guiding their teams towards embracing and integrating new initiatives. And how exactly do they do this? Let us see… By setting an example Managers must lead by example to influence early adoption. When employees see their…

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In an era where organisations face intense competition for talent, offering employee benefits has become essential. Servotech Power Systems has implemented several initiatives to support and empower its employees. ESOP: One significant initiative is the allocation of an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) to all employees. Servotech is an NSE-listed company and a leading solar products and EV chargers manufacturer. Rajesh Rai, CHRO and director, Servotech Power Systems, says that the ESOP aims to provide additional financial benefits beyond the regular monthly and annual compensation. Granting employees a stake in the company fosters a sense of ownership and alignment with the…

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Starting a new job can be an overwhelming experience for freshers. Those who have been through the phase will recall the nervousness and the anxiety felt at the time, mixed with the determination to perform and excel. Faced with a steep learning curve, it is natural for newcomers in an organization to seek guidance and mentorship to navigate the challenges and grasp the intricacies of their roles. While human mentors play a crucial role in shaping careers, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) opens up exciting possibilities for leveraging technology as a mentor. In this article, we explore how AI…

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Loyalty is a virtue that has long been celebrated as an admirable trait, whether it be in personal relationships, professional endeavours, or even one’s dedication to a cause. However, we often overlook the hidden cost that accompanies prolonged loyalty — the penance one must endure. Atul Mathur, executive VP, Aditya Birla Capital, agrees that having a long-term association with an organisation can be highly advantageous in terms of building a strong foundation for the organisation itself. It provides individuals with an in-depth understanding of the inner workings, the dynamics of the environment and the unique organisational culture. This familiarity allows…

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In a world filled with distractions and constant demands for our attention, maintaining productivity can be a significant challenge. However, there’s a growing trend that proposes a novel solution – the implementation of a ‘scary hour’ every day. This dedicated time block, designed to instil a sense of urgency and focus, has gained popularity among individuals seeking to maximise their productivity. What is Scary Hour? Scary hour is a concentrated period of time, typically lasting 60 minutes, during which individuals commit to working on their most challenging tasks or projects. The name ‘scary hour’ originates from the concept of tackling…

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Grooming students in technology and innovation is crucial, as it prepares them for the future workforce. In today’s rapidly-evolving world, technology plays a central role in almost every aspect of our lives, from communication and transportation to healthcare and entertainment. Its influence is only expected to grow, and students need to be well-equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in this digital age. That explains why Škoda Auto Volkswagen India has rolled out ‘The Student Car Project’ in India. This programme was launched in 2011, with the vision of promoting innovation and nurturing technological advancements within the Indian…

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The concept of job crafting has gained significant attention in work dynamics. Job crafting refers to employees actively shaping and redesigning their job roles to better align with their skills, interests and values. This proactive approach to work has numerous benefits for both employees and organisations. However, human resource (HR) departments often find themselves debating whether to allow job crafting and whether it would affect other team members. How does job crafting work? Job crafting encourages employees to take ownership of their work and seek ways to make it more meaningful and fulfilling. This involves modifying tasks, relationships or perceptions…

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