Author: Saheba Khatun | HRKatha

Effective teamwork is crucial for achieving organisational goals and fostering a positive work environment. While individual self-reliance is often seen as a valuable trait, excessive self-reliance within a team can have adverse effects on overall productivity and team spirit. What is excessive self-reliance? When individuals at the workplace tend to depend heavily on their own capabilities and resources, disregarding collaboration and avoiding seeking support from others, it is called excessive self-reliance. It is characterised by a reluctance to ask for help, limited delegation of tasks, minimal collaboration, disregard for available support systems, and a hesitance to acknowledge limitations. While individual…

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The business landscape is evolving rapidly, and staying compliant with labour laws is crucial for organisations of all sizes. Failure to adhere to these regulations can lead to legal liabilities, reputational damage and financial penalties. However, keeping up with complex and ever-changing labour laws can be a daunting task. This is where artificial intelligence (AI) can play a pivotal role, assisting businesses in navigating the intricacies of labour regulations and ensuring compliance. In this article, we will explore how AI can help businesses maintain compliance with labour laws effectively and efficiently. By leveraging automated payroll systems, time and attendance tracking,…

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In today’s corporate landscape, big companies often face the challenging task of maintaining a positive employee value proposition (EVP) amidst layoffs and negative press. The EVP represents the unique set of benefits and rewards that companies offer to attract and retain top talent. However, when companies experience a series of layoffs and unfavourable media attention, their EVP can suffer significant damage. This article explores the consequences of layoffs and bad press on big companies’ EVP and discusses strategies to rebuild and enhance them. Layoffs, often driven by cost-cutting measures or strategic reorganisation, can create a ripple effect on a company’s…

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Hierarchy has long been the prevailing structure in the corporate world, with clear lines of authority, well-defined roles, and decision-making concentrated at the top. However, in recent years, a new concept has gained momentum — the idea of becoming nonhierarchical. Organisations without hierarchies prioritise decentralisation, autonomy and shared decision-making. Instead of rigidly-defined roles, individuals are empowered to contribute their unique skills and ideas, fostering a sense of ownership and motivation. Communication channels are open, and information flows freely across the organisation. Jaikrishna B, group head – HR, Amara Raja Group, observes that it is possible for large organisations to adopt…

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Markets and industries are constantly evolving, driven by technological advancements, changing consumer preferences and pressures of competition. To stay relevant and competitive, businesses need to regularly assess and update their strategies. Varroc is doing just that and how. Varroc, an automotive component industry company, is currently revamping its hiring and learning and development (L&D) strategies to effectively align with its business objectives. The company aims to attract and recruit new talent, including individuals at the entry level, in order to establish a workforce that is well-prepared for the future. Why is a revamp / realignment needed? By revamping their business…

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Yelling, shouting, and verbal abuse are unfortunately prevalent in various workplaces, as highlighted by the recent ‘HDFC video’ incident. In the said video, Pushpal Roy, senior vice president, RBB, HDFC Bank, is seen shouting at his team members during a sales meeting call. It raises the question of whether this behaviour has always existed but remained hidden or if it’s only now gaining attention due to viral videos. It is indeed a regrettable reality that some individuals resort to negative and unprofessional actions in professional settings. In certain high-pressure industries or environments where aggressive or competitive behaviour is encouraged,…

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Internships have become a cornerstone of career development in today’s competitive job market. These valuable opportunities serve as a bridge between academic learning and practical experience, allowing individuals to gain crucial skills, make industry connections, and explore various career paths. While internships offer numerous advantages, it is important to understand both their benefits and potential drawbacks. Research and preparation Ravi Mishra, SVP-HR, advanced materials business, Aditya Birla Group, emphasizes the need for interns to “be adequately prepared prior to embarking on an internship”. According to him, “Apart from possessing subjective and domain knowledge, interns should also focus on learning about…

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Human resources (HR) professionals often find themselves wearing multiple hats in the workplace. They help manage employee relations, ensure compliance with labour laws, foster a positive work environment, and address various concerns that arise within the organisation’s workforce. However, HR professionals have, over the years, been also referred to ‘agony aunts’. An interesting nickname indeed! The term ’agony aunt’ is borrowed from the advice columns found in newspapers and magazines. Traditionally, an ‘agony aunt’ is a trusted confidant who offers empathetic guidance and support to readers facing personal dilemmas or challenges. The analogy between HR professionals and agony aunts implies…

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Recently, a concerning trend has emerged in the corporate world — the rise of hush trips. These secret, unauthorised vacations taken by employees have become a growing concern for the human resources (HR) departments. Hush trips not only disrupt workplace dynamics but also pose significant challenges for HR professionals who strive to maintain transparency, fairness and employee engagement within the organisations. Expressing her concerns, Uma Rao, CHRO, Granules India, says that unannounced trips may indicate a lack of trust within the team or organisation, which is a major issue. Instead of resorting to hush trips, if employees communicate their needs…

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In this highly-competitive job market, individuals often contemplate the necessity of obtaining a graduate degree to secure white-collar positions. The traditional notion that a college degree is an absolute requirement for white-collar jobs is undergoing a paradigm shift. Especially in an era defined by rapid technological advancements and the rise of AI, the question of whether a college degree is still a must for white-collar jobs has become increasingly relevant. As the traditional models of employment and skill acquisition undergo transformation, employers are exploring non-conventional sources for talent and hiring. Many big corporations, including Google, Apple and General Motors, are…

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Middle managers are individuals within an organisation who hold positions between top-level executives and frontline employees. They typically oversee specific departments, teams, or projects and are responsible for managing the operational aspects of their respective areas. Middle managers can have various job titles, such as department managers, team leaders, supervisors, or coordinators, depending on the organisational structure. Their roles and responsibilities may include implementing strategic plans, ensuring efficient workflow, coordinating activities, managing resources, providing guidance and support to employees, and facilitating communication between senior management and frontline staff. Middle managers play a crucial role in bridging the gap between high-level…

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Introducing a comprehensive mentoring programme called ‘Wometoring’, which is aimed at empowering women and promoting gender diversity within the organisation, Bharat Serums & Vaccines has embarked on a truly transformative journey. The programme, launched in April of this year, focuses on addressing the underrepresentation of women in leadership positions by providing targeted support and guidance.  The company began considering this initiative prior to its launch, and after completing the registration process, it is now preparing for implementation starting in June 2023. The programme is designed to span four phases, taking place over the course of a year, with each phase…

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In today’s globalised world, international assignments have become increasingly common for professionals seeking to broaden their horizons and advance their careers. These assignments involve working in a different cultural and business environment, which can significantly influence an individual’s leadership style. According to Sunil Ranjhan, senior VP and director, HR & MS, LG Electronics, international assignments present specific challenges and opportunities that influence leadership styles. Cultural flexibility, learnability, humility, quality of work, and management of diversity are critical factors for success. Leaders must respect cultural sensitivities, adapt to new environments, be humble yet assertive, deliver high-quality work and embrace diversity.  Ranjith…

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Succession planning is a critical aspect of talent management that focuses on identifying and developing future leaders within an organisation. Traditionally, succession planning has primarily been associated with top-level executives and key leadership positions. However, the dynamic business landscape and the need for a sustainable workforce have brought attention to the significance of succession planning at lower levels. Benefits of succession planning “Succession planning for lower-level employees is crucial for organisations to ensure a continuous talent pool and maintain a smooth workflow. While this may not have been a common practice in the past, it is becoming increasingly important for…

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As the workforce evolves, organisations must adapt their strategies to attract and retain the upcoming generation of talent — Generation Z. Call them Zoomers or centennials or post-millennials, members of this generation bring unique values, expectations and priorities to the workplace. To effectively engage with them, it is crucial for organisations to understand the red flags that can put them off and hinder their interest in joining or staying with a company. Lack of purpose & meaning Being a purpose-driven generation, Gen Z seek meaningful work aligned with their values. Organisations that fail to articulate a clear mission or social…

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Organisational structures have been evolving over the years, and it is now time to re-examine the traditional hierarchical model of managers managing managers. As companies strive for more agility, efficiency, and innovation, there is a growing sentiment that hierarchical levels may not be necessary. Rishav Dev, ex CHRO, Noveltech, says that the question of whether managers should manage other managers or whether solo performers and a single manager under a leader are sufficient, depends on the specific context and culture of the organisation. “In India, for instance, there are diverse organisations with varying management styles. Some are promoter driven and…

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The word ‘office’ has been in use for centuries, but with the rise of remote work and the changing nature of work itself, some people are beginning to wonder if the term is becoming obsolete. While it may be true that the traditional notion of an office is no longer relevant for some people, the term itself is still an important one that carries a lot of meaning. Let us first understand what the word ‘office’ means. Historically, an office was a physical space where employees worked for a specific number of hours each day. This space was usually located…

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In a highly competitive job market, companies are always searching for ways to attract and retain the best talent. One of the most important factors that candidates consider when accepting a job offer is the compensation package. Companies have to strike a balance between offering a competitive starting salary and providing regular pay raises to keep employees motivated and loyal. However, the question is, whether companies should offer high starting salaries and low increments, or the opposite. According to Mukul Chopra, CHRO, Convegenius, the answer depends on the stage the organization is in. “If the company is a startup or…

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Middle managers play a crucial role in any organisation. They act as the backbone of the company, responsible for translating the vision and goals of upper management into actionable plans and strategies. However, despite their importance, middle managers are often the most dissatisfied employees in an organisation. This raises an important question — ‘Why do middle managers feel this way?’ The problem There are several reasons why middle managers may be unhappy with their jobs. Sandwiched Caught in the middle of upper and lower management, they are responsible for implementing the decisions of the upper management, while managing the work…

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It has become a trend for companies to invest heavily on creating office spaces that cater to the needs and preferences of all their employees. The trend is surely growing and how! From the most comfortable furniture and adjustable standing desks to open-plan layouts and designated breakout areas, the modern office has undergone a significant transformation in the pursuit of creating a productive and inclusive environment. Is this level of investment and attention to detail really necessary? Are we caring too much about making the office right for everyone? How much focus —on making it right for everyone— is too…

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Being fired from a job can be stressful and a rather uncertain experience for any employee. However, it’s important to remember that, as employees, they still have rights even after being terminated from their position. Prasanth Gulur Bhyranna, group CHRO, First Steps Babywear, talks of certain legal entitlements that employees should receive from their employers when they are fired or terminated. These include their provident fund, which is a retirement savings account; any unpaid wages; and any accrued leave, including gratuity, if they have worked for more than five years. “Employers are also required to give the employees any retention…

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It’s important to have a resume that stands out and highlights the candidate’s skills and achievements. Today, one way to make anyone’s resume stand out is by including micro-credentials. These are a form of certification that validates specific skills or competencies. They are typically awarded after completing short courses or training programmes, often online, and are becoming increasingly popular among professionals looking to enhance their skills and knowledge. Including micro-credentials in the resume shows potential employers that the candidate is committed to continuous learning and professional development. It demonstrates that the candidate has taken the initiative to acquire new skills…

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In today’s fast-paced world, productivity is often hailed as the ultimate goal. Employees are constantly bombarded with messages about how they need to be more productive, work harder and longer and achieve more in less time. However, while productivity can certainly be a positive force, it can also have a dark side. This is known as toxic productivity. Toxic productivity is the belief that productivity is the only measure of worth and that one must be constantly working and achieving in order to be successful or happy. This mindset can lead to burnout, stress and even physical and mental health…

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Teamwork is an essential component of any organisation. Teams are designed to work together towards common goals, to pool resources and ideas, and to achieve results that individuals working alone cannot accomplish. However, poor team dynamics can have a negative impact on the individual performance of employees / team members. How is poor team dynamics harmful? Amidst poor team dynamics, individual employees may experience various adverse effects, including decreased job satisfaction, reduced motivation and diminished productivity. Output As per Kamlesh Dangi, group head, human resources, InCred, “In most jobs, employees work as a team to achieve specific outcomes or goals.…

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As a company, it is important to keep employees motivated, engaged and happy. One way to achieve this is by understanding and supporting employees’ personal goals. When employees feel that their personal goals are aligned with their work goals, they are more likely to be invested in their job and perform better. However, some may argue that personal goals are not relevant to the workplace and should be kept separate. While it is true that personal goals may not directly relate to work tasks, they can impact an employee’s overall well-being and job satisfaction. This is especially true for millennials…

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When individuals in a group put in less effort than they would if they were working alone, it is referred to as ‘social loafing’. This is a common problem in the workplace, where employees may feel less accountable for their individual contributions and rely on the efforts of their colleagues. Social loafing can happen for several reasons, including diffusion of responsibility, lack of individual accountability, reduced motivation, as well as social comparison and coordination issues. When working in a group, employees may feel less responsible for the outcome of the task, less accountable for their individual contributions, less motivated to…

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