Author: Saheba Khatun | HRKatha

Is generative AI the villain responsible for the recent spate of layoffs? A complex question indeed. On one hand, there is no doubt that the rise of generative AI has led to significant changes in the job market and has resulted in some workers being displaced from their jobs. On the other hand, it is also true that generative AI has the potential to create new jobs and make existing jobs more efficient and productive. Ramesh Shankar, chief joy officer,, shares his own past experience and how he has worked through the evolution of technology and says it is…

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Earlier companies were wary of having married couples working under the same roof. The general notion was that husband-and-wife teams aka H+W teams led to unnecessary complications, such as conflict of interest, lack of professionalism, and the risk of personal issues spilling over into the workplace. However, in recent years, there has been a positive change in the attitude towards H+W teams. In fact, many companies now actively encourage husband-and-wife teams, as they can improve productivity. P. Dwarakanath, former non-executive chairman, GSK, who has been associated with well-established and older companies, talks from his personal experience with this issue. He…

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As the week progresses, it’s common to start feeling midweek blues. Why? Well, it doesn’t take much time for the excitement of the weekend to wear off, does it? Before one knows it, the workload has piled up and that feeling of being drained has taken over. However, it’s important to push through and maintain productivity. Midweek blues is characterised by fatigue, lack of motivation, and a general sense of being stuck in a rut that many people experience in the middle of the workweek. It often sets in on Wednesdays or Thursdays when the weekend is still a few…

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The importance of diversity, especially gender diversity, in the workplace cannot be overstated. Having a diverse workforce not only leads to a better representation of society, but also brings unique perspectives and ideas to the table. However, returning to work after having a baby can be rather challenging and daunting an experience for new mothers. Many women face various obstacles, such as a lack of confidence, skills gap and difficulties managing work and family commitments. That is why, Allstate India has recognised the importance of supporting and retaining talented women employees, particularly those who have had to take time off…

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Job shadowing is a powerful tool that can be used to gain insight into a particular job or career path. It involves following and observing an experienced professional in their workplace for a short period of time. This allows the job-shadowing participant or shadow to learn about the responsibilities, skills and work environment associated with a specific profession. However, job shadowing experiences differ from sector to sector, depending on the type of job and the shadows themselves. In this article, we will explore which type of job shadowing works best and for whom? According to Anil Gaur, group CPO, Akums…

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Today’s workforce is a diverse mix of generations working together. Baby boomers, Gen X, millennials, and now Gen Z are all working side by side in many organisations. With each generation comes its own set of strengths and challenges, and the key to a successful multi-generational team is to understand and utilise the strengths of each individual. How can Gen Z add value? Gen Z, also known as digital natives, has grown up with technology at its fingertips. Members of this cohort are comfortable with social media, mobile devices and the latest digital tools. After all, this is the first…

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In recent years, employee perks have been bagging headlines, with companies going out of their way and outdoing each other in their efforts to attract and retain top talent. From free meals to gym memberships, organisations have been offering a range of benefits to their employees in order to create a more desirable work environment. In the last couple of years, joining perks have reached another level with new entrants to organisations being presented with expensive gadgets and even two-wheelers in some cases! However, with the economic uncertainty that is currently prevailing, many companies have begun to cut back on…

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Amit was engrossed in a spreadsheet at his desk, when Rohan, his colleague from the bay across the hall, suddenly appeared with a printout and some queries. He casually pulls up a chair and sits next to Amit requesting him to clear some doubts. Five minutes later, Akash, another colleague, on his way back to his desk with a cup of coffee, stops by Amit’s desk and congratulates him for being recognised as the ‘employee of the month’. Leaning against Amit’s table, Akash casually asks him how many times he has been chosen for the award. Soon, the three end…

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The 21st century business landscape is ever-changing and dynamic is more than clear to everyone. With the constant influx of new technologies, market disruptions, and other uncertainties, organisations need to have a strong and resilient workforce that can adapt and recover quickly from setbacks and challenges. The pandemic has definitely driven this home. So what qualities should organisations look for in their employees to ensure their survival and success in the long run? Resilience and fortitude, of course.   Resilience refers to the ability to bounce back or recover from adversity. It is the capacity to adapt to change and overcome…

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When employees ‘act their wage’ at the workplace, it means their behaviour and performance are aligned with the compensation they receive. In other words, the employees are only putting in the necessary effort required to produce results commensurate with the level of pay they receive. This kind of attitude/ mindset, where employees perform in accordance with their compensation, is quite prevalent in today’s workplace. What’s more, it is often explicitly communicated to employees through performance evaluations, job descriptions and compensation structures. It’s also unconsciously promoted through societal and cultural norms. Why do employees ‘act’ their wage? “Companies may also have…

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In today’s digital era, organisations are recognising that their employees are not just mere workers, but also valuable assets in terms of their social capital. Social capital refers to the network of relationships that individuals have within and outside their organisations, which can be leveraged to achieve organisational goals. How does employees’ social capital benefit organisations? There are several reasons why employers should try and gain from their employees’ social capital. Knowledge sharing To begin with, an employee’s social capital can be instrumental in facilitating knowledge sharing within an organisation. Knowledge sharing is an essential element of organisational learning, which…

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Given today’s fast-paced and complex business environment, companies need to be able to adapt to changes quickly and solve complex problems in innovative ways. To do so, many organisations are relying on polymaths— individuals who possess a broad range of knowledge and skills across multiple fields. What exactly can a polymath bring to an organisation, and what are the potential benefits and drawbacks of hiring one? Benefits polymaths bring Kamlesh Dangi, group head – human resources, InCred, says, “There are several benefits to hiring a polymath, especially in the early stages of a startup. These individuals possess broad knowledge across…

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Are you feeling stuck in an awful job? Do you think your career growth is limited? Are you bogged down by your office workload? Chances are that you may be experiencing ‘resenteeism’. “Resenteeism” is a new term that has become popular in the realm of work. Introduced by RotaCloud, a provider of staff management software, the term is used to describe the feeling of resentment and dissatisfaction that can arise when one is trapped in a job one dislikes. That is, when one feels one can’t leave due to financial or other constraints. Resenteeism can have a significant negative impact…

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Employee retention is a critical aspect of any organisation’s success, but many companies are struggling to keep their employees engaged and committed to their roles. One reason for this challenge is that companies are falling short of providing adequate role models within the organisation. Role models are crucial in providing guidance and motivation to employees, helping them to learn and develop their skills while also building a sense of loyalty towards the company. When employees feel that they are part of a team led by inspiring and influential individuals, they are more likely to stay with the company for long…

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Discipline in the workplace is crucial to maintaining a positive and productive work environment. When employees fail to meet expectations or violate company policies, it is important for employers to take appropriate action to address the situation. However, the manner in which the discipline is administered can have a significant impact on employee morale and performance. Sujiv Nair, global CHRO, Re Sustainability, provides valuable insights based on his extensive experience in managing a large workforce across the globe. He emphasises the importance of having a combination of both positive and progressive disciplinary policies, as different situations may require different approaches.…

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When organisations began initiating return to office in 2022, many employees refused to give up the convenience of remote work. The hybrid model was seen as the perfect solution, offering to strike a balance between work-from-home and work-from-office models. However, while some employees thrive in a remote work setting, there are many who struggle with the isolation and lack of social interaction. The former are the solo workers, while the latter are the team players who cannot do without interacting with their colleagues physically. This has led to the debate over whether solo performers are better off as remote workers…

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A CEO’s position is one of the most critical within an organisation. As such, the qualifications and experience necessary to become a CEO have been the subject of much debate in recent years. While there seems to be no definitive answer to this question, many experts believe that having a few years of experience in human resources (HR) can be an invaluable asset to any aspiring CEO. To understand why HR experience is so important for CEOs, it is necessary to first understand the role of HR within an organisation. The primary function of HR is of course to manage…

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As per data from the Employees’ Provident Fund Office (EPFO), those in the age bracket of 18 to 25 accounted for 56 per cent of the jobs created in 2022. This was a five-year high. Not surprisingly, there has been a significant shift in the workforce, due to the presence of the younger lot — the Millennials and Generation Z. Given their unique set of skills, preferences and expectations, these younger generations are pushing for changes in the traditional ways of working. This can be quite a challenge for all those dealing with them, including the HR team. To begin…

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making significant progress in recent years, and its application in the field of recruitment is no exception. One of the areas where AI has been utilised is psychometric testing, where it has been employed as a tool to assess the personality, skills and cognitive abilities of job applicants / candidates. Jasmeet Bhatia, CHRO, Thermax, says that psychometric tests can be effective if used appropriately as one of the data points in decision-making. They should not be the sole basis for judgement, but rather an additional tool to enhance the overall decision-making process. When using psychometric…

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Onboarding a new boss can be an intimidating experience. Yet, it is essential to establish a positive working relationship with one’s new boss to ensure a smooth transition. Here are some ways in which the process can be facilitated. Introductory meeting To start things on the right note, it is essential to schedule an introductory meeting with the new boss. This meeting should be used to introduce the team and discuss their roles and responsibilities. It will also help establish a rapport with the new manager(s) and learn about their management style. This is also an opportunity to ask questions…

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In today’s rapidly evolving world, global leadership is more important than ever before. It involves understanding and valuing diversity, promoting collaboration and working towards a common goal. So, what are the key components of a true global leadership mindset? The top two challenges faced by global leaders are: expanding their cultural understanding to multiple cultures, and understanding the complexity of networking and influence on a global stage. Udbhav Ganjoo, head – HR, global operations, Viatris, opines, “To be a successful global leader, one should have a strategic vision for the long term, and be able to understand cultural nuances across…

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With time, the focus of businesses has shifted from simply providing a pay cheque to their employees to creating a positive employee experience. This shift has been driven by the recognition that happy, engaged employees are more productive, more likely to stay with the company, and can lead to increased profits. However, as the pandemic has transformed the way we work, it’s time to rethink what employee experience means and how we can create a good one. “It is essential to understand the importance of valuing and respecting employees, as they play a critical role in the success of any…

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Today we all live in a ‘socially woke’ era, where one wrong step can put one in the spotlight zone of hashtags, boycotts, bans and cancellations. Companies and organisations are also quick to take action against those who tarnish their reputation, even outside of working hours. It’s a brave new world out there, and everyone is under check. Whether employees should be fired for their behaviour outside the workplace is a complex and controversial question. On the one hand, an employee’s actions outside of work may reflect poorly on the company and damage its reputation. On the other hand, an…

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In recent years, the demand for flexibility and autonomy has been on the rise among manufacturing workers. This shift in attitude reflects a broader trend across many industries, where employees are seeking more control over their work schedules and greater independence in how they perform their tasks. The topic of manufacturing workers demanding greater flexibility, such as a four-day work week, is indeed interesting and warrants further discussion. This session of The Great HR Debate (TGHRD) looked into whether certain demands, such as relaxed dress code and paid time off, can be applied to India’s unique labour laws and cultural…

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Does the shape of an employee matter? It sure does. No, we don’t mean the physical shape of employees here. We are referring to the skills and abilities of the employees. In the world of employment, two terms are often used to describe the skills and capabilities of employees —‘T-shaped’ and ‘V-shaped’ employees. These shapes refer to the width and depth of the employees’ skill set and can be used to assess their potential to succeed in their current role, as well as their ability to take on new challenges and advance in their career. As a management consultant, David…

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Quiet promotions, as the term suggests, refers to employees being promoted without any formal or official announcement or recognition. When and how does this happen? Well, it usually happens when some employees are asked to leave, say during a mass layoff, and others — from amongst the remaining ones — are expected to take on their responsibilities without being formally recognised for doing so. Quiet promotions can have a negative impact on the individuals and the organisation as a whole. Pankaj Lochan, ex-CHRO, Jindal Steel & Power, says that the reason for the recent layoffs in many organisations is the…

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