Author: Saheba Khatun | HRKatha

The concept of employee loyalty has changed over time, and it is true that in today’s fast-paced and uncertain job market, employee loyalty can be seen as an oxymoron. The nature of work and the job market have both become more fluid. Now, employees have more options and opportunities to pursue. With the rise of the gig economy, many workers are not committed to a single employer for a long period of time. Eventually, employee loyalty is a two-way street, and both the company and the employees have a role to play in maintaining a positive and productive working relationship.…

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When it comes to bosses, the best ones are those who are empathetic as well as knowledgeable. Empathy refers to the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, while knowledge refers to a person’s understanding and expertise in a particular area. Ultimately, the best boss is one who possesses a combination of both these important qualities. Knowledge vs empathy In the modern workplace, employees are facing increased pressure and stress. As a result, having a boss who is both knowledgeable and empathetic is ideal. However, if forced to choose between the two, empathy is the more important quality.…

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Terminating an employee is never easy. Employers need to do go about it with utmost sensitivity and empathy. However, in the current spree of layoffs, some companies have adopted the practice of sending out digital pink slips. These are termination notices issued via email, text messages or other such technological means. While this method may seem convenient and efficient, it is an insensitive approach that lacks the personal touch and human empathy that is crucial in such situations. Impersonal First of all, digital communication can come across as cold and impersonal, which can have a devastating effect on the person…

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The recent mass layoffs across industries that have taken the labour market by storm are a cause of concern. Not only have they added to the uncertainty of the environment, but have raised questions regarding accountability. The causes behind layoffs are definitely complex and involve multiple factors, including overhiring during the pandemic, uncertain global macroeconomic conditions, cost cutting, restructuring and much more. In some cases, the HR may have misjudged the size of the workforce needed to meet the company’s goals. This may have led to overhiring and subsequent layoffs. “The HR can’t really be blamed because they are only…

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In recent months, the tech industry has seen a significant number of layoffs as companies adjust to the economic impact of the pandemic. While this is a difficult time for those who have lost their jobs, it may also present an opportunity for other industries, even the non-tech firms, to benefit from the talent that is now available. According to Amit Das, director of human resources and CHRO, Bennett Coleman and Co. (Times of India Group), these layoffs at big tech companies have occurred across their global offices, and across domains and teams. Those impacted include programmers, designers, testers, as…

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With uncertainty around  economic conditions mounting with each passing day and markets slowing down, globally, companies are experiencing a dip in revenues. Naturally, this causes them to take certain corrective cost-cutting measures to stay afloat. These measures may include mass layoffs and salary reductions. In such situations, one strategy that some companies turn to is offshoring or hiring talent from countries where labour costs are less. Offshoring has become a popular way for companies to reduce costs related to staffing, as it allows them to take advantage of the lower wages and benefits in other countries. This can be particularly…

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Layoffs are becoming increasingly common in today’s business environment, and can create a difficult and unpleasant situation for both the organisations and the affected employees. While we all know that employees are at the receiving end of these layoffs, there is another group within the organisation that is significantly affected by layoffs — the HR professionals. It is the HR professionals who are often tasked with communicating with the employees about the layoffs. This can be quite an emotionally draining exercise for the HR personnel. After all, these are the very employees they had helped select and onboard, and for…

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Employee leasing isn’t a new term for the HR fraternity. For the uninitiated, it is a business arrangement wherein a company outsources certain HR functions and responsibilities to a third party, which is commonly known as professional employer organisation or PEO services. “For critical projects, at times, organisations put together a squad of employees leased from different sources within the organisation and then try to deliver the organisation’s agenda.” Amit Sharma, head – HR, Zee Entertainment This PEO assumes legal and administrative control over the company’s employees, and certain employer responsibilities such as payroll, benefits administration, and compliance with federal and…

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As we move into 2023, the demand for several skills will increase, in both employees and organisations, along with technological advancements. For instance, artificial intelligence (AI) and automation have already come to be essential parts of modern organisations.  No wonder employees with skills in data analytics, machine learning and programming are highly sought after today. Additionally, digital knowledge and the ability to work with new technologies will also be important for employees looking to stay competitive in the job market. Here’s a list of skills that will hold employees and employers in good stead this year. Data analytics For organisations,…

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In small organisations, it is quite common for the HR manager to play a dual role. This is because small organisations often have limited resources and need to be more efficient in their operations. The HR manager may be responsible for both HR and operational tasks. That is, handling recruiting, hiring, and training of employees, as well as managing the day-to-day operations of the organisation. Handling of multiple roles and responsibilities by HR managers can be rather beneficial for organisations. It can improve communication and coordination, increase efficiency, and achieve a better understanding of the organisation’s needs and goals. In…

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With the advancements in technology, modern organisations and leaders are able to utilise IT tools and services to enhance their performance and increase the chances of success within a shorter time frame.     Line managers play an essential role in leading teams, making decisions, and setting the overall goals of the company. To be successful, line managers require HR intelligence, HR tools as well as a positive attitude. Sunil Ranjhan, Sr. VP and director – HR and MS, LG Electronics, says, “Since line managers take decisions related to their work and work assignments  that is, deciding which projects to give to…

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There can be many reasons why middle managers often find it difficult to trust their subordinates as much as their seniors at the workplace. One of the most common reasons is that middle managers feel pressurised to prove themselves to their seniors. In trying to do so, they tend to become more cautious in their decision-making. Another reason is that middle managers may have less experience or knowledge than their seniors. Therefore, they may be more reliant on their subordinates for information and support. This dependence on subordinates can create a feeling of vulnerability for middle managers, which can lead…

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In 2018, a new word was added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary —mansplaining. The term is used to describe the act of a man explaining something to a woman in a manner that can be regarded as condescending or patronising. So much for the dictionary meaning. In regular usage, however, ‘mansplaining’ also includes acts where a woman employee may be interrupted while giving a presentation or just talked over in a meeting by a male colleague. Picture this: A female colleague is interrupted by a male co-worker half way through her sentence. He suddenly takes over, completes the sentence for her,…

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While performance reviews are an essential part of the workplace, the very thought of conducting these reviews can be uncomfortable for managers and can cause employees to break into a sweat. Simply put, performance reviews are not just dreaded by employees, but their managers too. So what makes these reviews least looked forward to? The fact that these reviews are formal and monotonous, and involve open dialogue, adds to the discomfort of the two parties involved. The anxiety caused by performance reviews creates stress in the organisational environment. There are disgruntled employees who feel that their issues are not being…

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Allcargo Group has a task in hand. The company which has operations across the world wants to match the gender diversity in India with the rest of the world. Globally, 50 per cent of the company’s workforce is women but in India there are still miles to go. This is why the company has been running a special programme – The Restart—Back to Work – which aims to bring back more women to the workforce post their sabbatical or career breaks. “This was just before the International Women’s Day. While every other company was planning to celebrate with chocolates and appreciation posts, Allcargo…

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While the whole world including many of the large corporates are pushing their people to start working from office, here is a start-up, FloBiz, a neobank for small and medium businesses, that still believes in work from home. Remote working has some obvious benefits – the biggest being the unlimited talent pool, which means companies and organisations can hire talent from anywhere and everywhere. “For remote working, there has to be a clear message on what is expected of the team member. If that is conveyed clearly, half of the battle is won,” Rabi Agarwal, HR Head, FloBiz…

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